Introducing our new Roadmap Page

Introducing our new Roadmap Page

Hey there, fellow open-source enthusiasts! At Icinga, we've always been committed to transparency, community engagement, and continuous improvement. That's why we're excited to introduce a new page on our website that will provide you with insights into the future...

Join the Icinga Insiders Community

Join the Icinga Insiders Community

Building open source software comes with the great benefit of receiving feedback constantly from our users and community. In our public code repositories on GitHub we collect bugs and feature requests. With our community forum we provide a platform for Icinga users to...

Releasing Icinga Director v1.11

Releasing Icinga Director v1.11

You may have noticed that, during the last few weeks, we released a bunch of new versions for different components of our stack. It's a very exciting time of the year for us, since we're currently finishing work that we have done through the last months. Today, we're...

Mapping hostnames to locations with Icinga Director

Mapping hostnames to locations with Icinga Director

Recently I came across the Maps module build and maintained by our community. The module displays host objects and annotations on openstreetmap using the JavaScript library leaflet.js. The module reads the coordinates for each host from custom variables and is able to...

Last seats available for Icinga Camp Berlin

Last seats available for Icinga Camp Berlin

This is the final call for interested parties not booked yet for Icinga Camp Berlin. Please proceed to the registration immediately. The final checks are being completed and the Icinga Crew will order for the doors of the ticket shop to close in approximately 7 days....

Releasing Icinga vSphere® Integration v1.6

Releasing Icinga vSphere® Integration v1.6

We're happy to announce our first release of the year! Version 1.6 of the Icinga vSphere® Integration is out now and waiting to get installed on your Icinga monitoring environment. This release brings performance improvements, ships new metrics to InfluxDB and some...

Releasing Icinga Director v1.10

Releasing Icinga Director v1.10

We're excited to announce our next major release for Icinga Director, version 1.10! The new release comes with plenty of fixes, but also with some nice new features. Check out the full changelog for all details.   New Sync Preview An advanced Sync Preview is one...

Quick tip: How to create Icinga reports with custom branding

Quick tip: How to create Icinga reports with custom branding

With Icinga Reporting you can create custom SLA reports for hosts and services that are monitored with Icinga. The module for Icinga Web fetches existing data and takes planned downtimes into account. You can filter for certain hosts and services as well as set custom...

Releasing Icinga Director Branches

Releasing Icinga Director Branches

Many Icinga users favour the Icinga Director to manage their Icinga configuration. Icinga Director comes with many features to enable you to create and modify Icinga configuration through the web interface. One outstanding feature of Icinga Director is the Activity...

Icinga integration cases: OpsBridge and ServiceNow

Icinga integration cases: OpsBridge and ServiceNow

The health of your systems and applications is fundamental for your organization’s infrastructure. Monitoring them indicates if there are any issues that need to be handled before they become serious and affect your customers. This is why companies often use a...

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