Download Icinga

We highly recommend to use our official Linux packages to install Icinga. Find packages for favourite distribution below. All products are available on GitHub as well.

Official Packages

Our official Icinga repositories provide the most recent packages for all leading operating systems. Find more operating systems at the Community repositories.

Operating systems market with the star icon require a paid subscription

Community Repositories

Icinga is available for many distributions. If you don’t find your system or local area in here, please help us bringing Icinga to your platform. Consider reading the Getting Started documentation before proceeding.

GitHub Release Information

Icinga 2 GitHubv2.14.2 Latest Release
Icinga Web GitHubv2.12.1 Latest Release
Icinga DB GitHubv1.2.0 Latest Release
Icinga DB Web GitHubv1.1.3 Latest Release
Icinga for Windows GitHubv1.13.0-beta2 Latest Release
Icinga Business Process Modeling GitHubv2.5.1 Latest Release
Icinga Web GenericTTS Integration GitHubv2.1.0 Latest Release
Icinga Reporting GitHubv1.0.2 Latest Release
Icinga Certificate Monitoring GitHubv1.3.2 Latest Release
Icinga Director GitHubv1.11.1 Latest Release
Icinga Cube GitHubv1.3.3 Latest Release
Icinga vSphere® Integration GitHubv1.7.1 Latest Release
Icinga Web Graphite Integration GitHubv1.2.4 Latest Release

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