Announcing official Icinga packages for RHEL, Amazon Linux 2 and SLES

by | Feb 16, 2022

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Icinga installation packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Amazon Linux 2 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. We extend the list of supported operating systems to give you even more options where you can run Icinga. At the same time we respond to changes and requirements by operating system vendors.

To make Icinga available on many different systems, we offer installation packages for various operating systems and versions. It’s necessary to build those packages on each system so we can make sure to use the right compiler and set the correct dependencies to other packages, which differ from system to system. To get an impression about the operating systems that we currently support, check out our Downloads page. Fortunately we have a fantastic community, which builds Icinga for some more Linux distributions: View the full list of community repositories!

The new Icinga installation packages for RHEL, Amazon Linux 2 and SLES are available through a paid repository subscription. Icinga customers with an existing support contract get immediate access without additional costs. Other existing packages remain available for free for everyone. We took the chance to update our installation instructions as well to simplify the installation process for Icinga.


RHEL and CentOS

In the past we could rely on CentOS Linux to build Icinga packages for CentOS and make them available to RHEL at the same time. CentOS lately announced they are replacing CentOS Linux with CentOS Stream. While CentOS Linux was compatible with RHEL, the new CentOS Stream is just ahead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For software vendors like us, this means that we have to build dedicated packages for RHEL.

For us the future of CentOS remains a little unclear. We will continue to provide packages for CentOS Linux 7 as long as it is considered to be supported. CentOS Linux 8 however prematurely reached its end of life, which forces us to stop building new Icinga versions for this system as well.

But not everything is bad. There are very promising alternatives to CentOS Linux arising. Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux are getting more and more attention. We’re monitoring the situation to decide if we can justify the efforts to build packages for those operating systems in the future. Our decision process is mainly driven by the adoption rate and requests from users and customers.


Amazon Linux 2

Amazon Linux 2 is well known to AWS users, many of them being Icinga users as well. Due to the increased interest from our customer base, we decided to provide official packages for this operating system as well. We now support all different types of Icinga deployments on AL2, enabling you to complete you multicloud and hybrid infrastructure monitoring with Icinga.



Some of you may be aware that we have provided packages for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server before. While working on the RHEL and AL2 packages we decided to revamp our packages for SLES as well. Our old SLES packages will remain available until June 1, 2022.


Get Access

To get access to the new repositories please get in touch. Icinga support customers get free access and will be contacted by their local Icinga partner. Newcomers get a free 60-days-trial period.

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