Releasing Icinga 2.13.0

by | Aug 3, 2021

Today we’re releasing our next major version of Icinga 2. Icinga 2.13 includes many long awaited enhancements and bug fixes, but also a lot of smaller changes.

Units of measurement

This release adds a bunch of new and improved UoMs (Units of measurement) to Icinga 2. Before this release, the only supported UoMs where seconds, percentage and bytes. This has been greatly improved by adding 15 new UoMs such as bits, volts, lumens, grams and many more. We’ve also added a lot of binary prefixes that weren’t supported previously. Have a look at the documentation for an overview of all supported UoMs.

Deletion of child downtimes on services

Until now, it was only possible to add downtimes to services while creating a downtime for their host, but not possible to remove them together with the host downtime. This has been changes with this release. Downtimes now store their parent downtime while being created with the all_services flag. This allows them to be deleted automatically on deletion of their parent downtime. To use this feature together with Icinga Web 2, you’ll need to have Icinga Web 2.9.3 or later.

Windows Event Log

Icinga 2.13 now supports logging to the Windows Event Log. Icinga will now also log messages from the early startup phase to the Windows Event Log. These were previously missing from the log file and you could only see them by manually starting Icinga in the foreground.

This feature is now enabled and replaces the existing mainlog feature logging to a file. When upgrading, the installer will enable the windowseventlog feature and disable the mainlog feature. Logging to a file is still possible. If you don’t want this configuration migration on upgrade, you can opt-out by installing the %ProgramData%\icinga2\etc\icinga2\features-available\windowseventlog.conf file before upgrading to Icinga 2.13.

TLS 1.3

TLS connections are now no longer restricted to only protocol version 1.2. If the operating system provides at least OpenSSL version 1.1.1, TLS 1.3 can now be used with Icinga.

InfluxDB OSS 2.0

Icinga 2.13 now fully supports InfluxDB OSS 2.0. This has been implemented as a separate Icinga 2 feature and can be enabled using icinga2 feature enable influxdb2 instead of icinga2 feature enable influxdb for previous InfluxDB versions.

HTTP and Cluster Connection Timeout

Icinga 2.12.5 and 2.11.10 already introduced a new configuration option connect_timeout for the ApiListener that covers more failure scenarios than the existing tls_handshake_timeout. With Icinga 2.13 we are deprecating tls_handshake_timeout in favor of connect_timeout. So if your configuration is using the old option, please make sure to update it.

Icinga DB preparation

Also part of this release, the preparation of Icinga 2 for Icinga DB v1.0 RC2 and the v1.0 release. After releasing Icinga DB v1.0 RC1 last year, we quickly found out that the current implementation wouldn’t work in the long run and so we went back to the drawing board. We have learned a lot during the first iteration of Icinga DB and used all that knowledge to develop a solid foundation for the next years and beyond.

What else?

It’s now possible to set an expire time while adding a comment via the API. This allows you to add comments that will automatically be removed after a set time.

We’ve also changed how downtimes and time periods handle DST (daylight saving time). Previously, on days with a DST change, downtimes and time periods might have interpreted their start or end time in the wrong time zone resulting in being off by an hour. That has been changed and should now work correctly.

Of course, this isn’t everything we’ve got to offer. Head over to our GitHub to check out the release notes and the changelog for even more detailed information and features that could be important to you, or check out the Icinga documentation which has been improved in numerous ways as well.

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