First of all, if you own a domain, the following text is for you. In production you obviously want to reduce outages. And an outage of a DNS domain as such takes down all services under that domain,...
First of all, if you own a domain, the following text is for you. In production you obviously want to reduce outages. And an outage of a DNS domain as such takes down all services under that domain,...
First of all, if you own a domain, the following text is for you. In production you obviously want to reduce outages. And an outage of a DNS domain as such takes down all services under that domain,...
We at Icinga / NETWAYS (yes, that’s the order) held an internal event recently. It’s name was Knowledge Days and I got to to talk about how I review code. Now, I will share my knowledge with you! Though, this is specifically how I personally perform reviews. This is...
You want to monitor your infrastructure? Monitoring is essential to ensure system stability, security and optimal performance. Without proper monitoring, small issues can quickly escalate into major problems and affect productivity and service availability. While...
Have you ever been in a situation where something in your Icinga configuration did not work as expected and you ended up doing small changes and reloading Icinga over and over again? This can be especially tricky with apply rules and filters if they don't match the...
A Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is a list of certificates that have been revoked by the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) before their scheduled expiration date. Those certificates should no longer be trusted. A client application such as an Icinga Agent can use...
Unfortunately, there is little to no documentation for using the Icinga Web API to perform monitoring actions such as scheduling downtimes. But it's a simple thing and I'll give you a quick example of how to do it. Using the Icinga Web API instead of the Icinga API...
This is a guest blogpost by Alexander Biehl from the Thola development team. --- Once upon a time there was a small company in the south west of Germany that used an old check plugin for monitoring its network devices. But as their network got bigger and bigger over...
So far we’ve chosen base images for our Icinga 2, Icinga Web 2 and Icinga DB Docker images, further reduced the image size and even taken care for security and comfort. Additionally Eric put all the images together via Docker Compose. But there’s still one little...
There are multiple ways to interact programatically with Icinga. Last week Henrik demonstrated how to connect to the Icinga 2 API through the Icinga 2 Console. Working with the Icinga 2 API is probably the most obvious way to interact with Icinga. Still, I would like...
Today I will show you a couple of small functions you can use with the Icinga Console. Using the Icinga Console can help with scripting in general and provides a quick and easy-to-use way of extracting information from your Icinga environment. We will take a look at...
In this blogpost, I explain how to create dashlets using custom filters. This way you can create dashlets of your own which you find is necessary. Having dashboards in fact improves monitoring. Dashlets are the different sections under the given dashboard, which are...
Two weeks ago, Icinga 2 Config Sync: Behind the Scenes explained how the config sync in Icinga 2 works and how you can look behind the scenes. Today, we will put our knowledge from that post to the test and try to manually replicate the config sync. The most important...
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