Monitoring domains and DNSSEC properly

Monitoring domains and DNSSEC properly

First of all, if you own a domain, the following text is for you. In production you obviously want to reduce outages. And an outage of a DNS domain as such takes down all services under that domain, no matter whether your LAMP components are all up and running. At...

Why Monitoring?

Why Monitoring?

We have decided to make some short educational videos about Icinga, and today we will be releasing the first one: Why Monitoring? In these videos we want to explain the Whys and Whats and Hows around Monitoring in a way that is accessible to anyone who is interested....

How to use path wildcards in Graphite Module

How to use path wildcards in Graphite Module

The Graphite module of Icingaweb2 is a great tool for rendering graphs from performance data. The latest version 1.2.0 introduces some bug fixes and new features like dark and light mode support, a lot of new templates, support for path wildcard, etc. The support for...

Parameterizing GitLab CI/CD?

Parameterizing GitLab CI/CD?

While doing packaging for Icinga, I noticed we have a lot of YAML files describing GitLab pipelines doing very similar jobs. The same build job across different operating systems. That’s wasteful behaviour, which leads to a bigger workload when it comes to modifying...

Icinga 2 IRC notifications. The complete guide

Icinga 2 IRC notifications. The complete guide

A few months ago I wrote about sending notifications to Rocket.Chat. While that messaging tool is quite powerful, one may also prefer to keep it simple. So let's also address the good old IRC. No test system? No problem! Setting up an IRC daemon is pretty easy:...

Why you need network monitoring?

Why you need network monitoring?

Network monitoring is a continuous analysis of a network to detect and correct any performance issues. Network monitoring involves collecting network statistics to determine the quality of services offered by the network. With tools like Icinga, it's possible to...

Icinga 2 Rocket.Chat notifications. The complete guide

Icinga 2 Rocket.Chat notifications. The complete guide

About one year ago the NETWAYS colleagues showed you how to let Icinga 2 notify users through XMPP/Jabber. Now it's time to also cover the somewhat more fancy Rocket.Chat. No Rocket.Chat? No problem! Setting up a test system is pretty easy: Clone this Git repository...

How to monitor a web server running NGINX|httpd

How to monitor a web server running NGINX|httpd

Web servers are software services that store resources for a website and then makes them available over the World Wide Web. These stored resources can be text, images, video and application data. Computers that are interfaced with the server mostly web browsers...

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