Icinga Insiders

Icinga Insiders

At OSMC 2023 we conducted the first open usability tests with our community. We gathered many valuable insight, so that we wanted to take this to a new level. We launched Icinga Insiders community to take part and share insights about their experiences with Icinga....

Figma’s powerful Auto Layout Feature

Figma’s powerful Auto Layout Feature

While it might be different within organizations, most demonstrations of Figma features publicly available use case you can see on the Internet are pretty basic. It makes sense for demonstration purposes, but I’d like to show how I use more complex Auto Layout setups...

How useful is the Figma’s new variables feature?

How useful is the Figma’s new variables feature?

When the news appeared that there would be a new Variables feature released for Figma, it immediately seemed huge to me. I’ve just started building the Icinga Web Design System in Figma. One of the biggest struggles was to deal with our light/dark theme modes. I...

Leveraging component variants in Figma for UI Design

Leveraging component variants in Figma for UI Design

Being a Sketch user since it's early days, I found Figma looked really promising, when it finally appeared. While Sketch caught up on most of Figma's features, like collaboration, developer handoff and AutoLayout (at least to some degree), the small feature set...

Use actual data in Sketch for more realistic mockups

Use actual data in Sketch for more realistic mockups

This time I want to show a feature that's not obvious at first sight, but can save a lot of time, when you're intending to create UI mockups with realistic data. Why it is important to test UI concepts with realistic data at a certain point In my opinion it's totally...

Polishing the Icinga DB Web User Interface

Polishing the Icinga DB Web User Interface

When redesigning the new Icinga DB Web interface elements we already started establishing consistent design elements. This is even more supported by developing the Icinga PHP Library (IPL) from the ground up. IPL makes developing reusable widgets a lot easier for...

It’s all about the tools, is it?

It’s all about the tools, is it?

User Interface design or product design in general is less about tools than it is to have a proper understanding about the product you work on. And besides understanding, how the user is going to use your product, recognizing patterns and underlying relationships...

How downtimes are displayed in Icinga DB Web

How downtimes are displayed in Icinga DB Web

With the development of Icinga DB we not only rebuilt the core of how Icinga stores and reads monitoring data. With a complete rebuild of the monitoring module we took the chance and refined most aspects of the user interface as well. One aspect that got attention is...

Introducing the redesigned Check Statistics widget

Introducing the redesigned Check Statistics widget

Those of you, who’ve already tried out the Web Interface for Icinga DB might have noticed the redesigned layout of the check execution statistics section in a monitoring object’s detail view. For all the others: Learn about it in this post. On first hand we wanted to...

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