Hey there, fellow open-source enthusiasts! At Icinga, we've always been committed to transparency, community engagement, and continuous improvement. That's why we're excited to introduce a new page...
Introducing our new Roadmap Page
Hey there, fellow open-source enthusiasts! At Icinga, we've always been committed to transparency, community engagement, and continuous improvement. That's why we're excited to introduce a new page...
Join the Icinga Insiders Community
Building open source software comes with the great benefit of receiving feedback constantly from our users and community. In our public code repositories on GitHub we collect bugs and feature requests. With our community forum we provide a platform for Icinga users to...
Releasing Icinga Director v1.11
You may have noticed that, during the last few weeks, we released a bunch of new versions for different components of our stack. It's a very exciting time of the year for us, since we're currently finishing work that we have done through the last months. Today, we're...
Building the Future of Icinga
When we started the development of Icinga 2 we had a clear picture. We wanted a great monitoring solution for small and large environments. Back then, we imagined Icinga 2 to be a scalable monitoring tool with a dynamic configuration, enriched with a slight and fast...
Summary of Icinga Virtual Meetup 2020/04
Last week we finally had our first virtual Icinga Meetup. Since we had some trouble at our very first try, we were even more excited and nervous about this. This time, after a couple of minutes it was clear that everything will go well from the technical perspective....
Release: Icinga Cube v1.1.1 is now available
The Cube module is our extension for Icinga Web that enables you to create enhanced filtered views on your hosts and services. By filtering in multiple levels you can create a view to separate by environment, location, operating systems or whatever information you...
Releasing icingabeat v7.5.2
We're happy to announce a new version of icingabeat, v7.5.2. With this release we ensure the compatibility with Elasticsearch 7.x and Logstash 7.x. Icingabeat is an Elastic Beat that fetches data from the Icinga 2 API and sends it either directly to Elasticsearch or...
Releasing Icinga Module for Jira
Our journey of Icinga integrations continues - we're announcing the general availability of the Icinga Module for Jira v1.0 today! Jira is a ticketing system created by Atlassian and it's one of the most popular ones of its kind. Jira is used by a very diverse...
Join us for Icinga Camp Zurich
Yes, we had some fantastic Icinga Camps through this year - but there's still room for more! Starting in Berlin, followed by Atlanta, Stockholm and Milan we met great people from our community and had a good time together. Our final destination for this year is...
Icinga Module for AWS
Some say you have to move all of your server infrastructure into the cloud. Others counter that you should keep your data safe and secure in your own datacenter. And then there are many people in between who use cloud services as an addition to their self-hosted...
Icinga joins HashiCorp Technology Partner Program
One of the biggest advantages of Icinga is its capability to interact with other tools. Integrations of Icinga cover notification mechanisms, visualisations or automatic deployment. Especially our REST API allows users to easily connect with Icinga, be it for read...
Releasing Icinga Web 2.6.0
I'm happy to announce that we released Icinga Web 2.6.0 today! The new version comes with new features that give you a better overview, better auditing and of course bug fixes. Auditing The new Icinga Web 2 interface comes with support for audit logs. By default,...
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