Introducing our new Roadmap Page

Introducing our new Roadmap Page

Hey there, fellow open-source enthusiasts! At Icinga, we've always been committed to transparency, community engagement, and continuous improvement. That's why we're excited to introduce a new page on our website that will provide you with insights into the future...

Releasing Icinga Director Branches

Releasing Icinga Director Branches

Many Icinga users favour the Icinga Director to manage their Icinga configuration. Icinga Director comes with many features to enable you to create and modify Icinga configuration through the web interface. One outstanding feature of Icinga Director is the Activity...

Icinga integration cases: OpsBridge and ServiceNow

Icinga integration cases: OpsBridge and ServiceNow

The health of your systems and applications is fundamental for your organization’s infrastructure. Monitoring them indicates if there are any issues that need to be handled before they become serious and affect your customers. This is why companies often use a...

Building a strong relationship with Red Hat

Building a strong relationship with Red Hat

Working together with other companies is a crucial part of our everyday business. Be it with our customers, business partners or technical partners - a close relationship is key for every future collaboration. Vendors of operating systems play an important role in...

Current State of Icinga – OSMC 2021

Current State of Icinga – OSMC 2021

A couple of weeks ago the Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC) took place in Nuremberg, Germany. For over a decade now the OSMC provides a platform for monitoring engineers and open source vendors from the field. Icinga is part of this conference since the...

Releasing Icinga DB v1.0-RC2 – Key Updates & Improvements

Releasing Icinga DB v1.0-RC2 – Key Updates & Improvements

We are super excited to release the second Release Candidate of Icinga DB! This release comes after many hours, days and months of experimenting, re-thinking and rebuilding our own code and marks a huge step towards a new data backend for Icinga. Why Icinga DB Since...

How to monitor your first Host with Icinga Director

How to monitor your first Host with Icinga Director

Creating a new Host within the Icinga 2 configuration files is fairly easy. Basically you only have add an object of the type "Host" to a config file and reload Icinga 2. Doing the same with Icinga Director is even easier, you don't even have to bother with terminal...

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