Summary Day 1 of Feedback Week

by | Nov 17, 2020

Wow! We’re speechless and thankful at the same time! That was a great start into our feedback week yesterday!
With over 400 votes across our platforms you have turned in your vote about questions regarding Integrations, Modules and Plugins! (If you haven’t shared your thoughts with us yet, but would still like to – some polls are still going and there are more questions on the way!)
and the Community Forum

But before we dive deeper into what today’s topic is about, let’s have a little recap of yesterday’s „Modules, Plugins, Integrations“ first!

As there are some polls still going, we are just going to offer you a quick summary of the votings at the current time, there will be a more detailed post next week, when all results are in!


The Hero


Our voting for our first Community Hero is still going on for another day: Who writes the most impressive integrations/modules/plugins?

We’ve given you the option to choose between Carsten, Nicolai, Patrik or suggest your own Hero. There is a favourite, but there’s still a chance for the others.
The person that wins this race will be rewarded with a nice swag bag filled with Icinga goodness and a place in the Icinga hall of fame on the website!
Make yourself heard and cast your vote on Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn or the community forum!


The Questions


Which graphing integration do you use?

The first poll on integrations focuses on graphing for Icinga: Graphite and Grafana are by far the most popular choices, Grafana also leading with a significant margin!


Which Icinga Logging Integrations do you use?

The three choices on this matter seem to even out quite a bit!
Directly via Logstash or Elasticsearch under Elastic Stack, with the extra step of the Icingabeat or Graylog got roughly the same amount of votes.


Do you have a favourite module? If so, let us know in the comments below!
… and the answers were pretty widespread so far!

There were three votes for our Icinga Director,
two for our Business Process and Cube modules,
and one vote for Grafana, Map, Generic TTS, Netbox Import, Proxmox VE (PVE), Dependency, Module for vSphere, Certificate Monitoring / x509, Fileshipper.


The always much debated question Which database do you use? has a 2/3 majority for “MySQL / Maria DB” and a little less than a third went for PostgreSQL, while only a fraction of you used other options.


So far, the question Have you ever written your own plugin? received 25 votes for “I haven’t” (yet?), 57 users did write their own plugin, and 9 even uploaded their plugin to Exchange! We‘re proud of you! If you want to get started, check out our guide over here!


Up Next


So it is now time for Round 2 of the Feedback Week with “Official Icinga Products“!
We would like to ask you some questions about your interactions with what we, as a company, have to offer for you!

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