Releasing Icinga Web v2.9.8, v2.10.4 and v2.11.3

by | Dec 14, 2022

Today we’re announcing the general availability of Icinga Web v2.9.8, v2.10.4 and v2.11.3. These are accompanied by the release of the Icinga PHP Library in version 0.10.1.

SQL Injection in Icinga DB Web

If you are using Icinga DB Web, please make sure to upgrade icinga-php-library to version 0.10.1. Otherwise it is possible to inject arbitrary SQL by using the sort URL parameter. #62

Minor to Medium Vulnerabilities (Icinga Web)

In late November we received multiple security vulnerability reports. They are listed below in order of severity where you can also find further notes:

Open Redirects for logged in users #4945

This one is quite old, though got worse and easier to exploit since v2.9. It is for this reason that this fix has been backported all the way down to v2.9.8. It can be used to exploit incautious users, no matter their browser and its security settings. They need to click a specifically crafted link (in the easiest form) and log in to Icinga Web by filling in their access credentials. If they’re already logged in, (due to an existing session or SSO) the browser prevents the exploit from happening. We encourage you to update to the latest release as soon as possible to mitigate any potential harm.

SSH Resource Configuration form XSS Bug #4947
Dashlets allow the user to run Javascript code #4959

These two are very similar. Both revolve around Javascript getting injected by logged in users interacting with forms. The SSH resource configuration requires configuration access though and, since custom dashlets are only shown to the user who created them, the dashlet configuration cannot affect other users. Note that both interactions cannot be initiated externally by CSRF, the forms are protected against this. Because of this we assess the severity of these two very low.

Role member suggestion endpoint is reachable for unauthorized users #4961

This is more a case of missing authorization checks than a full fledged security flaw. But nevertheless, it allows any logged-in user, by use of a manually crafted request, to retrieve the names of all available users and usergroups.

The More Usual Dose of Fixes

Browser print dialog result broken #4957

If you tried to export a view using the browser’s builtin print dialog, (e.g. Ctrl+P) you may have noticed a degradation of fanciness since the update to v2.10. This looks nicer than ever now.

Shared navigation items are not accessible #4953

Since v2.11.0 the shared navigation overview hasn’t been accessible using the configuration menu. It is now accessible again.

While using dropdown filter menu it gets closed automatically due to autorefresh #4942

Are you annoyed by the filter editor repeatedly closing the column selection while you’re looking for something? We have you covered with a fix for this and the column selection should stay open as long as you don’t click anywhere else.

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