Releasing Icinga Web v2.8.1

by | Jun 29, 2020

Today we release v2.8.1 for Icinga Web 2. Official packages are available on You can find all issues related to this release on the respective milestone. Below is also a brief summary of what has changed.

Case Sensitivity Problems

A fix in v2.8.0 led to users being not able to login if they got their username’s case wrong. A hostgroup name’s case has also been incorrectly taken into account despite using a CI labelled column in the servicegrid and other lists.

  • Login usernames now case sensitive in 2.8 #4184
  • Case insensitive hostgroup filter in service grid not working #4178


Issues With Numbers

An attempt to avoid misrepresenting environments in the tactical overview had an opposite effect by showing negative numbers. Filtering for timestamps in the event history also showed no results because our filters couldn’t cope with plain numbers anymore.

  • Tactical overview showing “-1 pending” hosts #4174
  • Timestamp filters not working correctly in history views #4182


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