Releasing Icinga 2.13.3 and 2.12.7

by | Apr 14, 2022

Today we are happy to announce the release of Icinga 2.13.3 and 2.12.7. Quite a number of bug fixes accumulated since the last release, including fixes for multiple crashes. Most changes are included in both versions except for the changes related to Icinga DB. These are only included in 2.13.3.


  • The /v1/config/stages endpoint now immediately rejects parallel config updates instead of accepting and then later failing to verify and activate them. (2.13.3: #9328, 2.12.7: #9326)


  • The lifetime of newly issued node certificates is reduced from 15 years to 397 days. (2.13.3: #9337, 2.12.7: #9338)
  • Compare cluster certificate tickets in constant time. (2.13.3: #9333, 2.12.7: #9334)


  • Fix a crash that could happen while sending notifications shortly after Icinga 2 started. (2.13.3: #9124, 2.12.7: #9125)
  • Fix missing or redundant notifications after certain combinations of state changes happened while notifications were suppressed, for example during a downtime. (only in 2.13.3: #9285)

Checks and Commands

  • Fix a deadlock when processing check results for checkables with dependencies. (2.13.3: #9228, 2.12.7: #9229)
  • Fix a message routing loop that can happen for event commands that are executed within a zone using command_endpoint that resulted in excessive execution of the command. (2.13.3: #9260, 2.12.7: #9261)


  • Fix scheduling of downtimes for all services on child hosts. (2.13.3: #9159, 2.12.7: #9184)
  • Creating fixed downtimes starting immediately now send a corresponding notification. (2.13.3: #9158, 2.12.7: #9185)
  • Fix some issues involving daylight saving time changes that could result in an hour missing from scheduled downtimes. This fix applies to time periods as well. (2.13.3: #9238, 2.12.7: #9246)
  • Fix a bug where downtimes on the day after a daylight saving time change could be off by an hour. (only in 2.12.7: #9253, already fixed in 2.13.0 and later)


  • Fix the evaluation order of default templates when used in combination with apply rules. Now default templates are imported first as stated in the documentation and as it already happens for objects defined without using apply. (2.13.3: #9290, 2.12.7: #9294)


  • Fix an issue where contacts were not written correctly to the notification history if multiple IDO instances are active on the same node. (2.13.3: #9242, 2.12.7: #9243)
  • Explicitly set the encoding for MySQL connections as a workaround for changed defaults in Debian bullseye. (2.13.3: #9312, 2.12.7: #9313)
  • Ship a MySQL schema upgrade that fixes inconsistent version information in the full schema file and upgrade files which could have resulted in inaccurate reports of an outdated schema version. (2.13.3: #9139, 2.12.7: #9140)

Performance Data Writers

  • Fix a race condition in the InfluxDB Writers that could result in a crash. (2.13.3: #9237, 2.12.7: #9247)
  • Fix a log message where Influxdb2Writer logged as InfluxdbWriter. (only in 2.13.3: #9315)
  • All writers no longer send metrics multiple times after HA failovers. (2.13.3: #9322, 2.12.7: #9329)


  • Fix the order of linker flags to fix builds on some ARM platforms. (2.13.3: #9164, 2.12.7: #9167)
  • Fix a regression introduced in 2.13.2 preventing non-unity builds. (only in 2.13.3: #9094)
  • Fix an issue when building within an unrelated Git repository, version information from that repository could incorrectly be used for Icinga 2. (2.13.3: #9155, 2.12.7: #9156)
  • Windows: Update bundled Boost version to 1.78.0 and OpenSSL to 1.1.1n (2.13.3: #9325, 2.12.7: #9320 #9327)


  • Fix some race conditions due to missing synchronization. These race conditions should not have caused any practical problems besides incorrect numbers in debug log message. (2.13.3: #9306, 2.12.7: #9305)
  • Move the startup.log and status files created when validating incoming cluster config updates to /var/lib/icinga2/api and always keep the last failed startup.log to ease debugging. (2.13.3: #9335, 2.12.7: #9336)
  • Remove outdated and incorrect of the severity attributes (2.13.3: #9240, 2.12.7: #9244)

Icinga DB (only 2.13.3)

  • The severity attribute was updated to match the sort order Icinga Web 2 uses for the IDO. (#9239)
  • Fix the is_sticky attribute for comments. (#9303)
  • Fix missing updates of is_reachable and severity in the state tables. (#9241)
  • Removing an acknowledgement no longer incorrectly writes comment history. (#9302)
  • Fix multiple issues so that in a HA zone, both nodes now write consistent history. (#9157 #9182 #9190)
  • Fix that history events are no longer written when state information should be updated. (#9252)
  • Fix an issue where incomplete comment history events were generated. (#9301)
    Note: when removing comments using the API, the dedicated remove-comment action should be used instead of the objects API, otherwise no history event for that action will be generated.
  • Fix handling of non-integer values for the order attribute of command arguments. (#9181)
    Note: You should only specify integer values for order, other values are converted to integer before use so using fractional numbers there has no effect.
  • Add a dependency on icingadb-redis.service to the systemd service file so that Redis is stopped after Icinga 2. (#9304)
  • Buffer history events in memory when the Redis connection is lost. (#9271)
  • Add the previous soft state to the state tables. (#9214)
  • Add missing locking on object runtime updates. (#9300)

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