Icinga for your desktop

Icinga for your desktop

To be clear from the beginning, we won't make any desktop application things. But to compensate for that, we have another gift for you, that let's you express your love for Icinga or at least remind you of your favorite monitoring tool, when all your windows are...

Why Monitoring?

Why Monitoring?

We have decided to make some short educational videos about Icinga, and today we will be releasing the first one: Why Monitoring? In these videos we want to explain the Whys and Whats and Hows around Monitoring in a way that is accessible to anyone who is interested....

Icinga DB at Icinga Camp Berlin 2022

Icinga DB at Icinga Camp Berlin 2022

I will be talking about the current state of the Icinga DB at the Icinga Camp Berlin 2022 and I am very happy that we are finally holding a camp again and will have the release of the Icinga DB 1.0.0 by then. So I will take the opportunity to share some insights into...

Icinga L10n – The Future is Here

Icinga L10n – The Future is Here

It's soon two years since I've introduced you to Icinga L10n. There I've talked about a place on-line to ease collaboration. So, without further ado, let me introduce you to translate.icinga.com! We're using Weblate on there and hope that interested users may already...

Introduction to (Performance) Monitoring Metrics

Introduction to (Performance) Monitoring Metrics

To ensure the reliability and stability of your services, it's essential to understand the overall health of your infrastructure and systems. That variety of information from your systems helps you to get a proper context during your root cause investigation and react...

Current State of Icinga – OSMC 2021

Current State of Icinga – OSMC 2021

A couple of weeks ago the Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC) took place in Nuremberg, Germany. For over a decade now the OSMC provides a platform for monitoring engineers and open source vendors from the field. Icinga is part of this conference since the...

Reliable Alerting with Icinga and SIGNL4

Reliable Alerting with Icinga and SIGNL4

You’ve probably been in this situation before – you’re using Icinga to monitor your infrastructure and Icinga detects a critical issue but nobody notices it. It might be an urgent maintenance request, an unexpected breakdown, or a service quality issue. But your...

Icinga at OSMC 2021

Icinga at OSMC 2021

Icinga is part of the 15th edition of the Open Source Monitoring Conference, which will take place in Nuremberg this winter. The OSMC focuses on IT monitoring and is home to international systems engineers, developers, network engineers, IT managers and the open...

Contributing to Open Source

Contributing to Open Source

If you're here you probably know the essence of open source already. To us, open source means more than just open source code - it’s also the ethics and the community feeling that goes along with that. For us it means that the people working on Icinga are more than...

Icinga Module for JIRA v1.1.0

Icinga Module for JIRA v1.1.0

If your team is using Atlassians Jira and Icinga and you didn't know about our integration yet: Our module for Jira is now at version 1.1.0 with a bunch of bugfixes and new features that were requested on the GitHub repository. Our friends from the internezzo ag...

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