Releasing Icinga Web v2.12.2

Releasing Icinga Web v2.12.2

Today we’re announcing the general availability of Icinga Web v2.12.2. You can find all issues related to this release on our Roadmap. General Fixes Icinga Web has become quite mature over the years. Typically, only new features cause issues and require fixing....

Code Reviews – How do they work?

Code Reviews – How do they work?

We at Icinga / NETWAYS (yes, that’s the order) held an internal event recently. It’s name was Knowledge Days and I got to to talk about how I review code. Now, I will share my knowledge with you! Though, this is specifically how I personally perform reviews. This is...

Releasing Icinga DB Web v1.1.3 and a IPL security release

Releasing Icinga DB Web v1.1.3 and a IPL security release

Today we’re announcing the general availability of Icinga DB Web v1.1.3 as well as a vulnerability fix for the Icinga PHP Library (IPL) in version 0.14.1. You can find all issues related to Icinga DB Web on its Roadmap. The fixed vulnerability is covered here. Icinga...

The Icinga Notifications Beta is Here!

The Icinga Notifications Beta is Here!

This release has the version 0.1.0 and is available via our package repositories. Be sure to check the documentation on how to install it. So what is Icinga Notifications actually? It is not possible to explain every single detail now. We will eventually publish...

Security Updates for Icinga Director

Security Updates for Icinga Director

Icinga has published a total of five updates yesterday for Icinga Director and one of its dependencies, the incubator module. Their main purpose is to fix two Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities. We treat them with a very high criticality and advice to...

Releasing Icinga DB Web v1.1.1 and Icinga Web 2.12.1

Releasing Icinga DB Web v1.1.1 and Icinga Web 2.12.1

Today we’re announcing the general availability of Icinga DB Web v1.1.1 and Icinga Web 2.12.1. Icinga DB Web You can find all issues related to this release on our Roadmap. Automated Migration The release of v1.0.0 already assisted in migrating URLs from the...

Releasing Icinga Business Process Modeling v2.5

Releasing Icinga Business Process Modeling v2.5

Today we’re announcing the general availability of Icinga Business Process Modeling v2.5.0. You can find all issues related to this release on our Roadmap. A Browser's Nemesis Since the very beginning, Icinga Business Process Modeling provides the possibility to...

Releasing Icinga DB Web v1.1

Releasing Icinga DB Web v1.1

Today we’re announcing the general availability of Icinga DB Web v1.1.0. You can find all issues related to this release on our Roadmap. Please make sure to also check the respective upgrading section in the documentation. Things You Eagerly Waited For Keyboard...

Releasing Icinga Web v2.12

Releasing Icinga Web v2.12

Today we’re announcing the general availability of Icinga Web v2.12.0. You can find all issues related to this release on our Roadmap. Please make sure to also check the respective upgrading section in the documentation. PHP 8.2 Support This release finally adds...

CSS doesn’t need to be ugly

CSS doesn’t need to be ugly

Ever looked at some CSS and your first instinct was to close the editor and never look at it again? I did. Though, I don't have the luxury to close the editor in such a case, as is probably often the case for others as well. Code grows with time and so do bad...

Releasing Icinga Cube v1.3.0

Releasing Icinga Cube v1.3.0

Today we’re announcing the general availability of the Icinga Cube in version 1.3.0. You can find all issues related to this release on our Roadmap. What's it all about The impatient and attentive reader can take a look at the screenshot below first. It shows all the...

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