Summary Day 3 of Feedback Week

by | Nov 19, 2020

Thank you again for your amazing participation – you are really making our week something special!
We’re also really happy about the many many comments we received from you – we love having that conversation with you!


The Knowledge Sharer


The poll for our second Community Hero is again going for another day and I would like to ask you to go and cast your vote!

You can do so either on Facebook, on Twitter, on LinkedIn or in our Icinga Community. You’ll find the Community Hero Poll mostly pinned to the top!

This time around it’s a really close race! By this morning all three candidates had the same amount of votes, if we count them all together from our platforms! Go give your favourite your voice!


Our three candidates are:

Martin Säfdal, the Author of the blog series published by OpsDis, who puts a lot of effort into writing guides and How-To’s for Icinga.

The amazing Moritz Tanzer, the Organiser of the Icinga Meetups Austria, who puts a lot of effort into making it possible for the community to get together and share their knowledge!

And last but not least log1c, one of the most active members of the community forum, who spends a lot of his time answering questions and moderating!



The Poll Trends


To get a better grasp on the way you approach issues we asked you how you approach problems: If you have an issue with Icinga, where do you check for a solution?
And the answers were actually really insightful! Some comments even went into detail about their workflow – for a lot of people that means going to the documentation to get to the root of the problem. A little lower on the votes, but equally valuable, many go check out GitHub and the forum or simply use the search engine of their choice for an answer.

We also asked you whether you would like to write a guest post on our blog and there were actually some of you who would like to take us up on that offer! Feel free to reach out via our contact form! And don’t worry if you would like to share your knowledge and experience with us, but have some doubts: do not feel less confident due to the language barrier! We’re here to support each other and help each other out! Even if it’s finding the right words in another language. 🙂

Have you ever been to an Icinga event or a Meetup? And would you like to at some point? has shown us, that we met a lot of you, but not all that would like to! The current times will not allow us to meet in person, but do come join us in two weeks for our Icinga Insights!

And we also asked about our YouTube channel with: Have you ever watched a video from our YouTube channel? And would you like to see more video content? and the response was pretty mixed: some of you were really exited about the prospect and some were not. Well, we’re gonna create some more content with our next Icinga Insights event so you can look forward to that!

Checking, if you’ve ever been to one of our Icinga workshops or trainings most of you said they’ve never been to neither workshops, nor trainings. And that is very interesting – we don’t know the reason behind that. Maybe you didn’t know about our offer, maybe it’s not the right choice for you, or maybe it’s something else. We hope to get new, interested people on board for our upcoming workshops and trainings! A fairly good amount of people has been to a workshop of ours or has attended both – yay!



So, thanks again for participating – we’ll get day 4 of the Icinga Feedback Week started in a bit, so get ready to vote! Today’s about the topic “Code Contributor”.


Happy voting everyone! 🙂

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