Summary Day 2 of Feedback Week

by | Nov 18, 2020

Day 2 of the Icinga Feedback Week is evaluated, whereas there are still votes coming in.

But we can already kind of see, in which direction you guys are headed to. Yesterday was all about the official Icinga products: what you’re using, what experiences you made with the usage and what your thoughts on the products are. Here’s a first glimpse of the results:


The questions and the answers


Our first question Did you already try the Icinga DB RC1 was widely answered with „No“ followed by „What’s that?“ – do not worry, we’ve got you covered: the Icinga DB RC1 is the first release candidate of Icinga DB, which is the replacement for our IDO (Icinga Data Output). There is a new Icinga DB feature in Icinga 2, a new database schema, a go daemon and a lot of functionality in Icinga Web.

Some of you said they’ve already tried Icinga DB RC1: way to go! ?


And we’re happy to see that most of you voted for „Yes“ when we asked Did you read the developers interviews? Would you like more content like that? (Not just Icinga DB?). It’s great to see you want more content like that as well, we will be on it! Do you have anything specific you want to read about? Let us know in the comments!


Another answer that makes us happy: How do you find your way around Icinga Web? was widely answered with „Easy to use“! Yay! A lot of people also voted for „Need a little explaining“ – we hope that this will change with the new frontend that is to come with the Icinga DB! Curious about what we did? Check out this concepts section in the documentation!


We asked How frequently do you use Icinga? and you said: used multiple times a day by most voters, which is also great to see for us. “Once a day” or “only when notified” weren’t chosen very often.


The question What modules would you like to see in the future? was an open question, so we wanted you to write your thoughts down in your own words.
There were a lot of great suggestions there that we can discuss with the development team in our retrospective! NoMa2 took the lead, followed by Hyper-V was a close second – for this you can already contribute to the discussion in its thread in the forum!


We were curious if you have ever bought anything from our shop? so we asked you and most of the people said there weren’t in need of an awesome Icinga Hoodie or a cool mug (that’s okay!), but almost the same amount of people would like to buy something in the future, just didn’t know that our shop existed!


Visualization and Dashboards is What do you look at the most in the Icinga Web. Some voted for Configuration and a few look chose only to set downtimes and acknowledgements.


Today’s topic and Community Hero #2


So, we’re all set up to get Day 3 of the Feedback Week started! Today’s topic is all about knowledge sharing and you also get to choose your second Community Hero!


Happy voting everyone! ?




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