Releasing Icinga Cube v1.3.0

by | Mar 22, 2023

Today we’re announcing the general availability of the Icinga Cube in version 1.3.0.

You can find all issues related to this release on our Roadmap.

What’s it all about

The impatient and attentive reader can take a look at the screenshot below first. It shows all the new and nifty features:

Narrowing Down Results Even More

It is now possible to filter the cubes! With the aid of the powerful search bar, first introduced with Icinga DB Web, it has never been easier to narrow down the shown cubes to what you’re most interested in.

There’s also a new switch in the top left which you might recognize as well. It’s the same used in Icinga Web’s Servicegrid and also has the same effect: If toggled on, it shows you only cubes with problems.

And if you don’t have enough possibilities to focus your attention on problems yet (There are never enough!), you might find the new sort functionality handy, as it now allows you to sort by severity. Up and down.

Did You Spot It?

The small detail? No? Take a look at the used dimensions. The screenshot shows service cubes and a host dimension is used!
Well, Of course! you might say. But ever since the first release you were only able to choose service dimensions here.


Packages should be available soon. Though, one last thing I have to add is, that the shown features are only available if you are using Icinga DB. If not, it’s time to migrate asap! 😉

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