Icinga Insiders

by | Jan 24, 2024

At OSMC 2023 we conducted the first open usability tests with our community. We gathered many valuable insight, so that we wanted to take this to a new level.

We launched Icinga Insiders community to take part and share insights about their experiences with Icinga. Our goal behind this new format was to build a better understanding of our users’ experiences, needs and demands.

Icinga Insiders is your chance to work hand in hand with us to improve our products and provide us with a more objective point of view.

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To become part of this inner circle of the Icinga community, we want to get to know you a little better. So we will ask you some questions about your experience with usability tests and Icinga in general.

We are regularly going to contact you for research interviews and will give you the chance you to take part in usability tests.

On the one hand this will support us with improving existing products and features by gathering direct feedback from you, our users. You can get involved in our development process in early stages. This helps us make new features more accessible and intuitive to use.

On the other hand you will get insights into early development stages of new features and modules. You will get access to exploring new features and navigating user interface updates. During interviews we will ask you to share your experiences, demands and needs with us.

What to expect

Currently we’re in the middle of conducting research for our Icinga Notifications module. Learning about different monitoring landscapes in users’ organization helps us anticipate user needs and requirements. We want to learn about their team structure and how their monitoring teams are organized.

This knowledge enables us to better tailor the new modules to our users’ needs and improve the usability of the user interface.

In the future we are also going to plan further remote usability tests. We will let you use products in development and ask you to work on common tasks, so we can learn.

We kindly welcome you to join the Icinga Insiders community.

Subscribe today for our mailing list for Icinga Insiders.

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