Releasing Icinga 2.14 and 2.13.8

Releasing Icinga 2.14 and 2.13.8

We are happy to announce the release of Icinga 2.14.0 and 2.13.8 today. Especially the 2.14.0 release comes with a lot of fixes and improvements and this blog post will highlight the most important ones. There are some breaking changes in 2.14.0, so please make sure...

The Tale of a Single Lock in Icinga 2

The Tale of a Single Lock in Icinga 2

To speed up startup and reload times of Icinga 2, we have already put a lot of effort into improving the configuration load performance and still continue to do so for the next major release. In this blog post, I will share the story of one particular issue we found,...

Automatically Testing Icinga DB

Automatically Testing Icinga DB

In today's blog post, I want to present something related to Icinga DB that you most likely will not come in touch with as a regular user: some of the test cases we built for Icinga DB and the tooling created to support them. The Challenge Even though Icinga DB is a...

Icinga 2 Config Sync: DIY Edition

Icinga 2 Config Sync: DIY Edition

Two weeks ago, Icinga 2 Config Sync: Behind the Scenes explained how the config sync in Icinga 2 works and how you can look behind the scenes. Today, we will put our knowledge from that post to the test and try to manually replicate the config sync. The most important...

Icinga 2 Config Sync: Behind the Scenes

Icinga 2 Config Sync: Behind the Scenes

Today's blog post dives into the internals of Icinga 2 and will give you an overview how the config synchronization works internally. We will take a small cluster as an example and follow the configuration files through the synchronization mechanism. We assume some...

Releasing Icinga 2.12.1 + 2.11.6

Releasing Icinga 2.12.1 + 2.11.6

Today we are releasing the 2.12.1 and 2.11.6 bugfix releases. These versions fix several crashes, deadlocks and excessive check latencies. They also address several bugs regarding IDO, API, notifications and checks. 2.12.1 Core Fix crashes during config...

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