Icinga for Windows v1.10.1 – Merry Christmas

Icinga for Windows v1.10.1 – Merry Christmas

Just in time for Christmas, Icinga for Windows is happy to release version 1.10.1 with a bunch of bugfixes and improvements for the Framework itself, but also for the basic Plugin collection. Framework Changes The new version of the Icinga PowerShell Framework ships...

Icinga for Windows v1.10.0 – The Next Level

Icinga for Windows v1.10.0 – The Next Level

After some drawbacks we are very happy today to finally release Icinga for Windows v1.10.0! The past weeks we have spent a lot of time to polish this release, test many different aspects and optimize the user experience in general. Please make sure to read the...

Icinga for Windows v1.3.0 – Yet another release!

Icinga for Windows v1.3.0 – Yet another release!

Agreed, it might feel like routine by now, but we are still happy to announce today's release of Icinga for Windows v1.3.0. This includes Icinga PowerShell Plugins v1.3.0 as well as Icinga PowerShell Kickstart v1.2.0. Like with every release we appreciate all...

Icinga for Windows: MSSQL Plugin Release v1.0.0

Icinga for Windows: MSSQL Plugin Release v1.0.0

Today we are happy to announce that our MSSQL plugins for Icinga for Windows are enhancing the series of Icinga plugins and become released as version 1.0. With this first release we are sharing four plugins to check the current health of MSSQL itself but also...

Releasing Icinga for Windows v1.2.0

Releasing Icinga for Windows v1.2.0

Today we are proud to announce the official release for Icinga for Windows v1.2.0! This includes v1.2.0 of the Icinga PowerShell Framework and v1.2.0 for the Icinga PowerShell Plugins. We collected plenty of feedback during the past months from our world-wide user...

Icinga for Windows – v1.1.0 Release

Icinga for Windows – v1.1.0 Release

Today we are proud to announce the next major release of Icinga for Windows: Version 1.1.0. Besides new core features that we added to the Framework itself, we also provide additional components to extend the features of our solution. Thanks to the increased usage in...

Icinga for Windows – Bugfix Release v1.0.1

Icinga for Windows – Bugfix Release v1.0.1

In February we released the first version of our new Icinga for Windows monitoring. Within a short amount of time we received a lot of feedback from different test and customer environments. Thanks to your testing, feedback and reports we were able to track down...

Announcing Icinga for Windows v1.0

Announcing Icinga for Windows v1.0

It is finally ready for launch - the first final release v1.0 of Icinga for Windows. The past months were quite challenging: Analyzing, troubleshooting and fixing issues reported by our awesome community and customers: Your support made it possible that we can...

Icinga for Windows – RC2 Available

Icinga for Windows is our framework and plugin collection to monitor Windows hosts natively with the Icinga Agent. We published our first release candidate in November, today we are delighted to announce the availability of Release Candidate 2 of Icinga for Windows....

Icinga for Windows – RC1 Available

During the past years we made plenty of contributions to improve the current state of the Windows monitoring. We tried to improve the actual installation with the Icinga 2 Powershell Module, allowing users to easier automate installation and configuration of Icinga 2....

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