Why Monitoring?

by | Apr 12, 2022

We have decided to make some short educational videos about Icinga, and today we will be releasing the first one: Why Monitoring?
In these videos we want to explain the Whys and Whats and Hows around Monitoring in a way that is accessible to anyone who is interested.

So Why do you want to use Icinga?
Monitoring is the foundation you want to build your infrastrastructure on.
Always knowing the health of your systems and being able to spot any irregulatities, before they become problems, is cruical for running a successfull IT infrastructure.

You can monitor pretty much any metric you can think of. There are thousands of plugins that are ready-to-use with Icinga. One of the most popular ones are the monitoring plugins made by our friends at Linuxfabrik.
The most common use cases are covered so you can focus on other things. Knowing, so your datacenter, servers, webaplications, databases, networks, containers, and whatever else you want to monitor will let you know by itself if something goes wrong.

If you want to read more about what Icinga can do for you, check out our product page or contact us!


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