Buch! Buch! I wer’ narrisch!*

by | Jun 30, 2016

It’s done. There is a book about Icinga 2 available as hardcopy (right now) and e-book (coming soon). icinga2_coverThere is only one minor drawback: It’s entirely in German. Since Lennart and me are German native-speakers, we decided it would be best to write the book in German, too. (In fact I’m Austrian, but Austrian is so similar to German that linguists still argue if it’s the same language or not)
But don’t you despair, if you can’t read German and don’t have the time to learn how to. We are still negotiating whether there will be an English version of the book or not. We will keep you updated.
If you are able to read German, here’s what is in the book:

  • Installation of Icinga 2 including the ClassicUI and Icinga Web 2
  • Thorough introduction to the Icinga 2 configuration language
  • Monitoring with the Icinga 2 agent, NRPE and SSH
  • Notifications
  • Distributed monitoring with satellites
  • Best Practices about how to plan and implement a monitoring setup
  • 100 pages about monitoring plugins
  • Graphing with Graphite and PNP
  • Logmanagement with Logstash
  • Business Processes
  • Reporting
  • Appendices with lots of extra code examples

The whole book uses a fictional company for examples which are backed with actual code. The examples were not only tested in a test environment but some are taken out of actual setups from customers (We are  Icinga consultants for a living)
So, if you want to order one (or more) book you can do so via Amazon, directly from the publisher or many other sources. E-books are still in the pipeline but will be available via most stores, too. If you’re not sure if you want to buy one, the publisher has some samples on the website.
* The headline means “Book! Book! I’m going crazy!” in Austrian. It’s a reference to a commentary to the soccer game Germany-vs-Austria Córdoba 1978 (just replace Book with Tor, which means Goal) which is even famous outside of the soccer fanbase. In fact I don’t like soccer at all but I thought it would be a nice headline.
For your reference:

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