Icinga Director released!

by | Mar 24, 2016

01_director_main_screenToday we are proud to announce our new web based configuration tool named Icinga Director. Developed as an Icinga Web 2 module it aims to be your new favourite config deployment tool for Icinga 2. And cause you already know Icinga Web 2, working with Icinga Director is a piece of cake. Even if you prefer plain text files and manual configuration, chances are good that Director will change your mind.
Empower your users
As an Icinga 2 pro you know all the knobs an tricks Icinga provides. However you are not willing to do the same work again and again. Director is here to make your life easier. Someone wants to add a new server, tweak some thresholds, adjust notifications? They shouldn’t need to bother you. No way, you might think. You do not trust your users, they might break things. Well… no. Not with Icinga Director. It provides an audit log that shows any single change. You can re-deploy old configurations at anytime. Invalid configurations will not be deployed. And you will be allowed to restrict what your users are allowed to do in a very granular way.
Infrastructure as Code
06_director_custom_fields_in_useDoing automation is self-evident for you? Want to feed your monitoring from your configuration management tool, or from your CMDB? You’ll love the endless possibilities Director provides. Based on multiple data providers Icinga Director offers powerful sync rules. Enrich your basic monitoring information with all required details and set the foundation for Icinga 2 powerful template logic. And cause Director know all about inheritance and object relation you will never loose track, even in really huge environments

02_director_applyFully integrated
We take care that installing Icinga Web 2 modules works smoothly. But Director is not only well integrated into Icinga Web 2. It uses the Icinga 2 API to talk to your monitoring system. It will help you to deploy your configuration, regardless of whether you are using a single node Icinga installation or a distributed setup with multiple masters and satellites. Using the Icinga 2 Agent? Perfect, the Director will make your life much easier!
Want to give it a try? Sure! Download Icinga Director from GitHub and install it based on the installation guide. Or happily fire “vagrant up” inside the Icinga 2 Vagrant box.
You will find Icinga Director on Icinga Exchange in the next couple of days as well. Team Icinga wishes you Happy Easter.

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