3 years old & 100,000 downloads!

by | May 6, 2012

Icinga turns 3 years old today and what better birthday surprise could there be, than to hit the 100,000th download mark!
In this past year we’ve bid farewell to the Icinga API, replacing the database API with a Doctrine abstraction layer. Classic UI got a tactical overview header while Icinga Web an pre-installed reporting cronk and optional SLA extension for greater reporting precision.
This was a small triumph of ours, in response to the old grumble in the community to better use data written to the database.
On the side, we’ve also added a build/package server for Debian and Ubuntu users as well as source snapshots for testers, even refurbished the website and added a merchandise shop.

Behind all this, our team has added a few extra faces from the USA, UK, Germany, Australia and Slovenia. They include the first graduates from this year’s Icinga Padawan program, who have extended our Icinga Virtual Appliances to Debian, OpenSUSE and CentOS as well as open our official Freenode IRC group.
Alongside these developments we have seen the number of self-proclaimed Icinga Users double in just this last year. Organisations range in industry and size, from universities and healthcare providers to automotive and construction; large retailers the likes of Müller and European governmental agencies.
The last three years have been an amazing accomplishment for us and was only possible with the support of our Icinga friends. For every mailing list and forum support post, wiki entry, bug report and feature request, translation and tweet – we say thank you!

3 Years in a Clip

In celebration, Core developer Michael has created a couple of Gource clips for you to see our last 3 years of development:

Icinga Core

Icinga Web

Icinga Docs

Icinga Reporting

For those wondering how he did it – see Michael’s wiki guide on using Gource.

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