Scaling your logs with Grafana Loki

In the realm of modern software development and operations, effective log management is paramount for ensuring system reliability, troubleshooting issues, and maintaining security. With the proliferation of microservices architectures and cloud-native applications, the volume and complexity of logs have surged, necessitating scalable and efficient solutions.

This presentation delves into the world of Grafana Loki, a powerful log aggregation system designed specifically for cloud-native environments. Attendees will explore the core principles of Loki and learn how it revolutionizes log management by leveraging label-based indexing and a horizontally scalable architecture.

Whether you’re a developer, DevOps engineer, or system administrator, this presentation equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to scale and secure your logs effectively with Grafana Loki, empowering you to streamline operations, enhance visibility, and fortify your infrastructure against emerging threats.


June 5 | 13:45 – 14:15



Session Type

Presentation (30 min.)

Sebastian Schubert

Solutions Engineer, Grafana

Sebastian Schubert is a Solutions Engineer at Grafana Labs and passionate about Open Source since he started using Linux in 1994. Sebastian helps customers on their journey to observability for their on-prem systems as well in the cloud, showing them the value Grafana can add to their day to day work life. In the past he worked on Mainframes, built clouds from scratch and engaged with the Monitoring Community (FOSDEM Staff, Promcon Staff, modbus_exporter Maintainer). In his free time he likes to go skiing, scuba diving, ride his motorbike or lend a hand at the Munich volunteer fire brigade.

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