This release has the version 0.1.0 and is available via our package repositories. Be sure to check the documentation on how to install it. So what is Icinga Notifications actually? It is not...
The Icinga Notifications Beta is Here!
This release has the version 0.1.0 and is available via our package repositories. Be sure to check the documentation on how to install it. So what is Icinga Notifications actually? It is not...
Organise a meetup with us!
Are you passionate about monitoring and keen to share your knowledge and experiences with others? Do you enjoy connecting with like-minded folks in the IT and DevOps world? Or do you just want some Icinga shirts for yourself? Well, we have some exciting news for you!...
Icinga for Windows without an Icinga 2 agent
I've already dropped a hint at this topic in a previous post of mine which reflected the history of Icinga on Windows: Icinga 2.14 will be able to directly speak to the PowerShell daemon REST API without even fork(2) or exec(3) for a subprocess (...). In fact this...
Summary Day 4 of Feedback Week
Ring in day 5! The Icinga Week is coming to an end with today being our last day, where you can cast your vote on several questions with the overall topic „Social Communication“. Community Hero #3 Today is also the day on which you can choose your...
Summary Day 3 of Feedback Week
Thank you again for your amazing participation - you are really making our week something special! We're also really happy about the many many comments we received from you - we love having that conversation with you! The Knowledge Sharer The poll for...
Summary Day 2 of Feedback Week
Day 2 of the Icinga Feedback Week is evaluated, whereas there are still votes coming in. But we can already kind of see, in which direction you guys are headed to. Yesterday was all about the official Icinga products: what you’re using, what experiences you made with...
Summary Day 1 of Feedback Week
Wow! We’re speechless and thankful at the same time! That was a great start into our feedback week yesterday! With over 400 votes across our platforms you have turned in your vote about questions regarding Integrations, Modules and Plugins! (If you haven’t shared your...
Community Heroes wanted!
The wait is finally over - it's time for the big reveal! The Icinga Feedback Week Today marks the start of our feedback week: an entire week dedicated to you, as well as honoring those that are dedicated to the community. By asking you questions and...
Upcoming PostgreSQL Support for Icinga Certificate Monitoring
Our goal is to support both MySQL and PostgreSQL as a backend wherever we need a database. Our latest addition in this area was PostgreSQL support for reporting, which will be released in the next few weeks. We don't have PostgreSQL support for Icinga Certificate...
Docker: Secure, but comfortable images.
While developing Docker images for Icinga 2, Icinga Web 2 and Icinga DB we stumbled over OpenShift which doesn’t allow images to run as root by default. One has to enable that explicitly. Also admins of K8s environments being more permissive by default may decide not...
Build your own Icinga Module
Building your own Icinga Module sounds like a big challenge, but is it really that hard? A look behind the scenes reveals that it's actually not as complicated as it sounds. But first things first: Why would you even want to create your own Module? It's fairly easy to...
Icinga DSL: A couple of (unconventional) examples
Today I will show you a couple of out of field useful functions from the Icinga DSL I use when creating some testing configurations for Icinga 2. Using the Icinga DSL is easy, quick and a good way of testing and validating your Icinga setup. Icinga 2 console...
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