Happy Birthday Icinga and THANK YOU ALL!

by | May 6, 2010

Today Icinga celebrates its first birthday. One year ago, Nagios was forked and Icinga was publicly announced. We were so excited. It may not sound like a big thing, but for us it was a big step and what happened in this last 365 days was huge and proved us right.

First of all, Icinga today is much more than just a Nagios fork. It has become an innovative and vivid open source project, with all its ups and downs. Lots of people joined the team and are trying to make Icinga a better monitoring tool and now it is time to thank everyone who helped, even if it was only a small contribution. Thanks for showing love for Icinga…you are awesome!
Another cool thing: we were able to stick almost 100% to our roadmap. All releases were ready for download on the promised day and it looks like we are even a couple of days ahead with our plans for the next release. Lots of new features have been developed: modifications to the core, support for Oracle and PostgreSQL, a brand new webinterface that has multiple languages provided by the community. Supportwise, we implemented a living bug tracking, a feedback system and created even our first webcast! And it was fun! 🙂
All of this wouldn’t be possible without the great Icinga team. Right now, we are 16 active members from all over the world: from Australia to Austria and from Germany to South Africa. As the software progresses, so does the team. Everyone is welcome and we want you to be Icinga.
As we see more and more positive blogposts, tweets and case studies, we are very encouraged to carry on. Let’s celebrate a happy Icinga birthday.

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