Icinga is 2 years old today. We celebrate a massive year of development progress, community involvement and growth. Just a year ago we were releasing separate versions of Core, API and Web. Since then we have unified Icinga and now stand at version 1.3.1. This includes dual IPv6 / IPv4 support, optimized database connectivity and a new look web interface. Two years down the track and Icinga is now stable, with integrated addons such as PNP, LConf, Heatmap and Business Process Addon. The project itself has extended to include Icinga Mobile and Icinga Reporting components. No wonder that we’ve surpassed 70,000 downloads in our 730 days.
On the side we have released a virtual appliance for easy installation and upgraded our wiki to Confluence. But new ideas and extensions haven’t only come from us. Kepicz shared his Icinga Chromed Status for Google Chrome, Karl Fischer, IcingaDroid for Android phones, and Igor Drobot his Icinga traffic light.
Most exciting in the last 2 years was the chance to watch not only our team grow to 23 members but also the number of Icinga Users proudly announcing their use of Icinga. From monitoring the currents off the Australian coastline to Holland’s largest social networking platform Hyves.nl, a network of public schools in America and an Austrian telecommunications network, Icinga has come a long way.
So on our birthday, we’d like to express our sincerest gratitude to all our Icinga friends and fans – thanks for your feedback, translations, wiki entries, tweets, and support!
Visualise your Icinga Cluster with Clustergraph
This is a guest blogpost from Dave Kempe from Sol1 At Sol1, we provide services around scaling and automating Icinga...