Multi Element Selection in Icinga DB Web

Multi Element Selection in Icinga DB Web

From time to time we want to bring not so widely known features of Icinga into spotlight. In this effort it’s a not so obvious feature, that was available in the monitoring module of Icinga Web 2 at some point already. It has also been available in Icinga DB Web since...

Icinga 2, Icinga Web 2 and Director Kickstart on CentOS 7

Icinga 2, Icinga Web 2 and Director Kickstart on CentOS 7

INTRODUCTION The easiest way to get started with Icinga is a single-node installation. If you are new to the Icinga world, here you have a kickstart for installing Icinga 2, Icinga Web 2 and Icinga Director on CentOS 7. With these steps you will have a ready Icinga...

Creating a host through the Icinga 2 API

Creating a host through the Icinga 2 API

Learning about the Icinga API can be an eye opening moment for some, and lead to a path of automation and configuration management. But where to start? Well, you can always check out the Icinga API documentation for that. But today, I have an idea for you - I’ll show...

Using Command Endpoint to execute Checks on Agents

Using Command Endpoint to execute Checks on Agents

Getting started using Icinga in a single node setup can already be quite a challenge for new users. Configuring checks on multiple nodes can seem at lot harder. With this blog post I will show you how easy it is to configure hosts and services in such an environment....

Icinga 2 in iX Magazine Special Issue

Icinga 2 has been featured in a special issue of the German language iX Magazine. Written by our very own Icinga 2 developer, Michael Friedrich "Systems Monitoring with Icinga 2 - In Full View" offers a neatly packaged introduction to Icinga 2, it's capabilities and...

Icinga Network Monitoring Book by Packt

Since the first German book on Icinga was published, it seems like calls from the international, English speaking community have been answered. The first book dedicated to Icinga has been published in English, thanks to author Viranch Metha and the open source...

The Nagios/Icinga Cookbook by O’Reilly

The very first book on Icinga has just hit bookshop shelves: "Das Nagios/Icinga Kochbuch", thanks to the renowned tech publishing house O'Reilly. Written by Timo Kucza and Ralf Staudemeyer, the German language book offers handy monitoring recipes for both beginners...

Icinga Tutorial in iX Magazine

This month, Icinga has been featured in the German language iX Magazine. In a 3 part series, Sebastian Hetze offers readers a comprehensive introduction to Icinga. Part 1 in the October edition, titled "Die Server stets im Blick" gives an overview of Icinga and SNMP...

Icinga Wiki introduces French Community Wiki Manager

Just a couple months ago, we introduced the new Icinga Wiki. Now we'd like to introduce our first French Community Wiki Manager - Charles Judith. Systems administrator at Linagora, Charles is a monitoring expert in open source solutions. He is currently working on an...

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