It’s time to spread some monitoring love! This is your chance to share your newest findings, best practices, and Icinga expert know-how with the community. And to get back the well-deserved kudos and for sure some valuable feedback!
Our Call for Papers is open until February 28, 3023. Submit your abstract for a 30- or 45-minute presentation on your technical topic, your specific use case or new, future-oriented developments. Be a speaker and inspire others with the benefits Icinga brings to your organization or project!
Icinga Camps are the perfect platform to learn new things and share knowledge. Icinga developers, community members and enterprise users come together to discuss the latest monitoring trends and share their best practices with Icinga.
How else to support
We are currently looking for sponsors for the event. Check out our Sponsorship Leaflet for your opportunities and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!
Until February 28 we also offer a bunch of Early Bird Tickets. Register now and save your seat for the best price you can get!
Don’t be shy to say hi! We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!