The very first book on Icinga has just hit bookshop shelves: “Das Nagios/Icinga Kochbuch”, thanks to the renowned tech publishing house O’Reilly.
Written by Timo Kucza and Ralf Staudemeyer, the German language book offers handy monitoring recipes for both beginners and more proficient users.
The first four chapters ease newbies into installation, configuration and use of both Icinga Classic and Icinga Web interfaces. The last five chapters tackle more complex use cases such as writing plugins and integrating the graphing and visualization addons, PNP4Nagios and NagVis.
Though we didn’t have too much to do with it, we are proud to say, our very own Core developer Michael Friedrich proofread the book. As the authors are very detailed in explaining their solutions to various monitoring issues, the handbook is a nice complement to the Icinga Docs and Wiki for German speakers.
The book is available in PDF and paperback on the German O’Reilly website, Amazon, and other online bookstores.
Icinga Notifications Web: Desktop Notifications
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