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  • Icinga Director (>= 1.1.0)
  • php-xml for optional XML file support
  • php-yaml for optional YAML file support
  • php-zip for optional XLSX file support

When running PHP 7.x you’ll need the latest 2.x beta version for php-yaml. In case your Linux distribution offers precompiled packages they should be fine, regardless of whether they ship php-yaml or php-syck. In either case please let me know as I didn’t test them on different operatingsystems yet.

Install the Fileshipper module

As with any Icinga Web 2 module, installation is pretty straight-forward. In case you’re installing it from source, all you have to do is to drop the fileshipper module in one of your module paths. You can examine (and set) the module path(s) in Configuration / Application. In a typical environment you’ll probably drop the module to /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/fileshipper. Please note that the directory name MUST be fileshipper and not icingaweb2-module-fileshipper or anything else. To do so you could run the following commands on the CLI.

cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules
git clone fileshipper

Last but not least go to Configuration / Modules and enable the fileshipper module, or run the following command on the CLI:

icingacli module enable fileshipper

That’s all, now you are ready to define your first Import Source definitions and to ship hand-crafted plain Icinga 2 Config Files!