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Like any other PowerShell module, the installation itself is very simple and straight forward. As of before, there are many ways to deploy a PowerShell module on a Windows host.

Regardless of the method: In order to make this module work properly, you will have to install it into the same folder as your Icinga PowerShell Framework module is installed to.

If you installed the Framework into

C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\

you will have to install this module there as well.

General Note on Installation/Updates

You should always stick to one way of installing/updating any modules for the Icinga for Windows solution. It is not supported and not recommended to mix installation ways by using PowerShell Gallery initially and switch to the Framework Component Installer for example later on.

There might be various side effects by doing so.

One of the simplier ways is to use PowerShell Gallery for the installation. For this we simply run the command

Install-Module 'icinga-powershell-restapi';

Icinga Framework Component Installer

If PowerShell Gallery is no option for you because it is not available or you prefer the installation from GitHub releases directly, you can use the component installer of the Icinga PowerShell Framework which was introduced with v1.1.0:

Install latest stable release:

Install-IcingaFrameworkComponent -Name restapi -Release;

Install latest snapshot

Install-IcingaFrameworkComponent -Name restapi -Snapshot;

Custom repository source

Install-IcingaFrameworkComponent -Name restapi -Url 'url to your .zip file';

Manual Installation

For manual installation either download the latest release .zip or the latest master .zip and extract the content into the correct PowerShell modules folder.

This could for example be:

C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

Please ensure that the folder name of the module is matching the .psm1 file name inside the folder.

By downloading the latest master and unzipping it into above mentioned folder, you might end up like this:

C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\icinga-powershell-restapi-master

As our .psm1 file is named icinga-powershell-restapi.psm1 we will have to rename the folder to look like this:

C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\icinga-powershell-restapi

Once this is done, we might require to unblock the file content to be able to load and execute the module

Get-Content -Path 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\icinga-powershell-restapi' -Recurse | Unblock-File;

Now we can start a new PowerShell instance and the module should be ready to go. Otherwise we have to import it manually by using

Import-Module 'icinga-powershell-restapi';

Daemon Registration

In order make use of the REST-Api, you will have to register it into the background daemon of the Icinga PowerShell Service for the Icinga PowerShell Framework.


The REST-Api daemon will provide a bunch of arguments for configuring it

Argument Type Required Default Description
Port Integer yes 5668 The port the REST-Api will bind to
CertFile String no null The full path to a server certificate located on the local disk (.pfx, .crt, .cert)
CertThumbprint String no null A thumbprint for a server certificate to use from the Windows Cert Store
RequireAuth Bool no False Enables or disables basic auth for accessing the API. To login you will either have to use a local Windows account or a Domain account. Domain account usernames have to be provided as domain\user while trying to login

Note: CertFile and CertThumbprint are optional. By default the module will use the Icinga 2 Agent certificate which is located automatically. In case the Agent is not installed and/or certificates are not created yet, the daemon will not start.


To register the REST-Api as background daemon, you can use the PowerShell Frameworks integrated Cmdlet

Register-IcingaBackgroundDaemon -Command 'Start-IcingaWindowsRESTApi';

To modify the arguments during startup of the daemon, you can provide them as hashtable

Register-IcingaBackgroundDaemon -Command 'Start-IcingaWindowsRESTApi' -Arguments @{ '-Port' = 5669; '-CertFile' = 'path/to/your/cert/file' };

Enable Basic Auth

To enable the basic auth for using the API you will have to set the RequireAuth argument to true while registering the daemon

Register-IcingaBackgroundDaemon -Command 'Start-IcingaWindowsRESTApi' -Arguments @{ '-RequireAuth' = $TRUE };

Once activated users will have to authenticate with either a local Windows machine account or by using domain credentials. The username for using domain accounts have to follow the following syntax: domain\user.

Please note that by using domain accounts your Windows host will require to be in the same domain or has access to the used domain for authentication.

Restart the PowerShell Service

Once installed, we are ready to go and can simply restart our Icinga PowerShell daemon.

Restart-Service icingapowershell;

Afterwards our API should start just fine and be reachable on the provided port.

API documentation

As we are now ready and our service is restarted, we can start using the API