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Icinga DB Web allows users to send commands to Icinga. Users may be restricted to a specific set of commands, by use of permissions.

The same applies to routes, objects and variables. To these, users can be restricted by use of restrictions.


Restricted Command Permissions:

If a role limits users to a specific set of results, the command permissions or refusals of the very same role only apply to these results.

Name Allow…
icingadb/command/* all commands
icingadb/command/schedule-check to schedule host and service checks
icingadb/command/schedule-check/active-only to schedule host and service checks (Only on objects with active checks enabled)
icingadb/command/acknowledge-problem to acknowledge host and service problems
icingadb/command/remove-acknowledgement to remove problem acknowledgements
icingadb/command/comment/* to add and delete host and service comments
icingadb/command/comment/add to add host and service comments
icingadb/command/comment/delete to delete host and service comments
icingadb/command/downtime/* to schedule and delete host and service downtimes
icingadb/command/downtime/schedule to schedule host and service downtimes
icingadb/command/downtime/delete to delete host and service downtimes
icingadb/command/process-check-result to process host and service check results
icingadb/command/feature/instance to toggle instance-wide features
icingadb/command/feature/object/* to toggle all features on host and service objects
icingadb/command/feature/object/active-checks to toggle active checks on host and service objects
icingadb/command/feature/object/passive-checks to toggle passive checks on host and service objects
icingadb/command/feature/object/notifications to toggle notifications on host and service objects
icingadb/command/feature/object/event-handler to toggle event handlers on host and service objects
icingadb/command/feature/object/flap-detection to toggle flap detection on host and service objects
icingadb/command/send-custom-notification to send custom notifications for hosts and services
icingadb/object/show-source to view an object’s source data. (May contain sensitive data!)



Filters limit users to a specific set of results.


Filters from multiple roles will widen available access.

Name Description
icingadb/filter/objects Restrict access to the Icinga objects that match the filter
icingadb/filter/hosts Restrict access to the Icinga hosts and services that match the filter
icingadb/filter/services Restrict access to the Icinga services that match the filter

icingadb/filter/objects will only allow users to access matching objects. This applies to all objects, not just hosts or services. It should be one or more filter expressions.

icingadb/filter/hosts will only allow users to access matching hosts and services. Other objects remain unrestricted. It should be one or more filter expressions.

icingadb/filter/services will only allow users to access matching services. Other objects remain unrestricted. It should be one or more filter expressions.


Denylists prevent users from accessing information and in some cases will block them entirely from it.


Denylists from multiple roles will further limit access.

Name Description
icingadb/denylist/routes Prevent access to routes that are part of the list
icingadb/denylist/variables Hide custom variables of Icinga objects that are part of the list

icingadb/denylist/routes will block users from accessing defined routes and from related information elsewhere. For example, if hostgroups are part of the list a user won’t have access to the hostgroup overview nor to a host’s groups shown in its detail area. This should be a comma separated list. Possible values are: hostgroups, servicegroups, users, usergroups

icingadb/denylist/variables will block users from accessing certain custom variables. A user affected by this won’t see that those variables even exist. This should be a comma separated list of variable paths. It is possible to use match patterns.


Protections prevent users from accessing actual data. They will know that there is something, but not what exactly.


Denylists from multiple roles will further limit access.

Name Description
icingadb/protect/variables Obfuscate custom variable values of Icinga objects that are part of the list

icingadb/protect/variables will replace certain custom variable values with ***. A user affected by this will still be able to see the variable names though. This should be a comma separated list of variable paths. It is possible to use match patterns.


Filter Expressions

These consist of one or more filter expressions.

Allowed columns are:

  • host.vars.\<variable path>
  • service.vars.\<variable path>

Match Patterns

Match patterns allow a very simple form of wildcard matching. Use * in any place to match zero or any characters.

Variable Paths

Icinga DB Web allows to express any custom variable depth in variable paths. So they may be not just names.

Consider the following variables:

vars.os = "Linux" = {
  name = "Support",
  on-site = ["mo", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fr"]

To reference vars.os, use os. To reference, use To reference, use team.on-site[0] for the first list position and team.on-site[4] for the last one.

Combined with a match pattern it is also possible to perform a contains check: team.on-site[*]