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Developer Guide: New-IcingaCheckResult

Below you will find a list of functions and detailed descriptions including use cases for Cmdlets and features the PowerShell Framework provides.

Type Return Value Description
Cmdlet Integer Compiles Icinga Check/Check Package objects for valid Icinga Plugin output including performance data and returns the Icinga exit code as Integer

The IcingaCheckResult is the final step to finalyse a Icinga Plugin with the Powershell Framework. The checkresult Cmdlet will process either an Icinga Check or Check Package object and compile the stored details within to write the plugin output, performance data and return the exit code for Icinga as integer.

It will be used like in this example:

return New-IcingaCheckresult -Check $MyCheckObject -Compile;


Argument Input Mandatory Description
Check PSObject * Icinga Check or Check Package object
NoPerfData Bool Bool value with true or false to print performance metrics for the plugin or to drop them
Compile Switch Will directly compile the checkresult, print the output to console and return the exit code as Integer


Please note that within the plugin output on console you will see a number at the end, which is the actual exit code of the plugin which is returned. If you are calling Cmdlets from within Icinga, you can simply use exit for the plugin call with PowerShell to tell Icinga the correct status.

exit Invoke-IcingaCheckCPU;

Simple Check Output

$IcingaCheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'My Check 1' -Value 37 -Unit '%';
$IcingaCheck.WarnOutOfRange(20).CritOutOfRange(35) | Out-Null;

return New-IcingaCheckresult -Check $IcingaCheck -Compile;
[CRITICAL] My Check 1: Value "37%" is greater than threshold "35%"
| 'my_check_1'=37%;20;35;0;100

Simple Check Output without PerfData

$IcingaCheck = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'My Check 1' -Value 37 -Unit '%';
$IcingaCheck.WarnOutOfRange(20).CritOutOfRange(35) | Out-Null;

return New-IcingaCheckresult -Check $IcingaCheck -NoPerfData $TRUE -Compile;
[CRITICAL] My Check 1: Value "37%" is greater than threshold "35%"

Checkresult with check package

$IcingaCheck1 = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'My Check 1' -Value 37 -Unit '%';
$IcingaCheck1.WarnOutOfRange(20).CritOutOfRange(35) | Out-Null;

$IcingaCheck2 = New-IcingaCheck -Name 'My Check 2' -Value 18 -Unit '%';
$IcingaCheck2.WarnOutOfRange(20).CritOutOfRange(35) | Out-Null;

$IcingaPackage = New-IcingaCheckPackage -Name 'My Package' -OperatorAnd;

return New-IcingaCheckresult -Check $IcingaPackage -Compile;
[CRITICAL] Check package "My Package" - [CRITICAL] My Check 1
\_ [CRITICAL] My Check 1: Value "37%" is greater than threshold "35%"
| 'my_check_1'=37%;20;35;0;100 'my_check_2'=18%;20;35;0;100