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Process Check Command

The module provides a CLI command to check a business process.


General: icingacli businessprocess process check <process> [options]


  --config <configname>   Name of the config that contains <process>
  --details               Show problem details as a tree
  --colors                Show colored output
  --state-type <type>     Define which state type to look at. Could be either soft
                          or hard, overrides an eventually configured default
  --blame                 Show problem details as a tree reduced to the nodes
                          which have the same state as the business process
  --root-cause            Used in combination with --blame. Only shows
                          the path of the nodes which are responsible
                          for the state of the business process
  --downtime-is-ok        Treat hosts/services in downtime always as UP/OK.
  --ack-is-ok             Treat acknowledged hosts/services always as UP/OK.

Detail View Integration

It is possible to show the monitored process in the service detail view.

For this to work, the name of the checkcommand configured in Icinga 2 must either be icingacli-businessprocess or the name that can be configured in the module configuration:



A service can define specific custom variables for this. Mandatory ones that are not defined, cause the detail view integration to not be active.

Variable Name Mandatory Description
icingacli_businessprocess_process Yes The <process> being checked
icingacli_businessprocess_config No Name of the config that contains <process>
icingaweb_businessprocess_as_tree No Whether to show <process> as tree or tiles