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Developing Icinga Notifications

Building the Icinga Notifications daemon requires a recent version of Go and GNU Make to be installed. The required Go version depends on the specified version in the go.mod file after the go directive.

To fetch the source code, either an archive can be downloaded from GitHub release or the repository can be cloned with git. The latter is highly recommended.

git clone
cd icinga-notifications

To specify destinations for the final install, consult the variables in the Makefile which can be overwritten by environment variables.

In particular, the prefix and sysconfdir variables should be noted, as they can be overwritten to point to a directory in the current working directory for testing purposes. If those are also prefixed with, say ./out, all build artifacts will end up in that directory.

export prefix="out/usr" sysconfdir="out/etc"

Now the daemon and all its channels can be built.


Finally, the Makefile also allows to perform an installation on the system. Depending on the installation location, this command might need extended permissions, so it might need to be executed by the root user, through sudo or a similar mechanism.

make install