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Icinga Notifications comes with its own HTTP API, configurable via listen and debug-password.

Process Event

One possible source next to the Icinga 2 API is event submission to the Icinga Notifications HTTP API listener. After creating a source with type Other in Icinga Notifications Web, the specified credentials can be used for HTTP Basic Authentication of a JSON-encoded Event.

The authentication is performed via HTTP Basic Authentication, expecting source-${id} as the username, ${id} being the source’s id within the database, and the configured password.

curl -v -u 'source-2:insecureinsecure' -d '@-' 'http://localhost:5680/process-event' <<EOF
  "name": "dummy-809: random fortune",
  "url": "http://localhost/icingaweb2/icingadb/service?name=random%20fortune&",
  "tags": {
    "host": "dummy-809",
    "service": "random fortune"
  "extra_tags": {
    "hostgroup/app-container": null,
    "hostgroup/department-dev": null,
    "hostgroup/env-qa": null,
    "hostgroup/location-rome": null,
    "servicegroup/app-mail": null,
    "servicegroup/department-nms": null,
    "servicegroup/env-prod": null,
    "servicegroup/location-berlin": null
  "type": "state",
  "severity": "crit",
  "username": "",
  "message": "Something went somewhere very wrong."

Debugging Endpoints

There are multiple endpoints for dumping specific configurations. To use those, the debug-password must be set and supplied via HTTP Basic Authentication next to an arbitrary username.

Dump Config

The database-stored configuration from Icinga Notifications current viewpoint can be dumped as JSON.

curl -v -u ':debug-password' 'http://localhost:5680/dump-config'

Dump Incidents

The current incidents can be dumped as JSON.

curl -v -u ':debug-password' 'http://localhost:5680/dump-incidents'

Dump Schedules

All schedules with their assignee can be dumped in a human-readable form.

curl -v -u ':debug-password' 'http://localhost:5680/dump-schedules'