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After Icinga Notifications decides to send a notification of any kind, it is passed to a channel plugin. Such a plugin submits the notification event to a domain-specific channel, such as email or a chat client.

Icinga Notifications comes packed with channels, but also enables you to develop your own channels.

To make these channels available to Icinga Notifications, they must be placed in the channels directory, which is done automatically during package installations. At startup, Icinga Notifications scans this directory, starts each channel once to query its configuration options and stores those options in the database. Using this information, Icinga Notifications Web allows channels to be configured, which are then started, configured, and finally used to send notification events from Icinga Notifications.

Technical Channel Description


As this is still an early preview version, things might change. There may still be severe bugs and incompatible changes may happen without any notice.

Channel plugins are independent processes that run continuously, started and supervised by Icinga Notifications. They receive JSON-formatted requests on stdin and reply with JSON-formatted responses on stdout. For logging or debugging purposes, channels can write to stderr, which is being forwarded to the Icinga Notifications log.

RPC Architecture

The request and response structure is inspired by JSON-RPC. Both the general anatomy of requests and responses as well as the specific methods are described below. Note that fields marked as optional must be omitted from the JSON object if they do not have a value.

This documentation uses beautified JSON for ease of reading.


A channel receives a request as a JSON object with the following fields:

Field Type Description
method String Required. Request method to call.
params JSON object Optional. Params for the request method.
id Unsigned integer Required. Unique identifier.

The params field is optional because some methods do not require parameters. If they are required for a particular method, they are specified along with the expected value type in the method description below.

Each request contains a unique id that must be echoed back in the channel’s response. This allows Icinga Notifications to associate a response with its request.


  • Simple request without any params:
      "method": "Simple",
      "id": 1000
  • Request with params of different types:
      "method": "WithParams",
      "params": {
        "foo": 23,
        "bar": "hello"
      "id": 1000


Each request must be answered by the channel with a JSON object of the following fields:

Field Type Description
result JSON value (any) Optional. Output of a successful method call.
error String Optional. Error message.
id Unsigned integer Required. Request id.

The result and the error fields are mutually exclusive. A result can be omitted when the method does not return a value, i.e., for setter calls. However, in case of a present error value, the result field must be omitted. Thus, a successful response without a result contains only an id field.


  • Successful response without a result message:
      "id": 1000
  • Successful response with a result:
      "result": "hello world",
      "id": 1000
  • Response with an error:
      "error": "unknown method: 'Foo'",
      "id": 1000

RPC Methods

The following methods must be implemented by a channel.


The parameterless GetInfo method returns information about the channel.

Its result is expected to be a JSON object with the json fields defined in the Info type. The config_attrs field must be an array of JSON objects according to the ConfigOption type. These attributes define configuration options for the channel to be set by the SetConfig method. They are also used for channel configuration in Icinga Notifications Web.

Example GetInfo Request
  "method": "GetInfo",
  "id": 1
Example GetInfo Response
  "result": {
    "name": "Minified Webhook",
    "version": "0.0.0-gf369a11-dirty",
    "author": "Icinga GmbH",
    "config_attrs": [
        "name": "url_template",
        "type": "string",
        "label": {
          "de_DE": "URL-Template",
          "en_US": "URL Template"
        "help": {
          "de_DE": "URL, optional als Go-Template über das zu verarbeitende plugin.NotificationRequest.",
          "en_US": "URL, optionally as a Go template over the current plugin.NotificationRequest."
        "required": true,
        "min": null,
        "max": null
        "name": "response_status_codes",
        "type": "string",
        "label": {
          "de_DE": "Antwort-Status-Codes",
          "en_US": "Response Status Codes"
        "help": {
          "de_DE": "Kommaseparierte Liste erwarteter Status-Code der HTTP-Antwort, z.B.: 200,201,202,208,418",
          "en_US": "Comma separated list of expected HTTP response status code, e.g., 200,201,202,208,418"
        "default": "200",
        "min": null,
        "max": null
  "id": 1


The SetConfig method configures the channel.

The Icinga Notifications daemon will call this method at least once on each channel before sending the first notifications to initialize the channel plugin.

The passed JSON object in the request’s param field reflects the objects from GetInfo‘s config_attrs. Each object in the config_attrs array must be configurable, using its name attribute as a key together along with the desired configuration value, which must be of the type specified in the type field.

To illustrate, the URL template from the above output is configurable with the following JSON object passed in params:

  "url_template": "http://localhost:8000/update/{{.Incident.Id}}"

If the channel plugin has successfully configured itself, a response without a result must be returned. Otherwise, if the channel decides that the provided configuration is incorrect, an error must be returned. This may happen if, for example, an invalid configuration value was given.

Example SetConfig Request
  "method": "SetConfig",
  "params": {
    "url_template": "http://localhost:8000/update/{{.Incident.Id}}",
    "response_status_codes": "200"
  "id": 2
Example SetConfig Response
  "id": 2


The SendNotification method requests the channel to dispatch notifications.

Within the request’s params, a JSON object representing a NotificationRequest is passed.

If the channel is unable to send a notification, an error must be returned. This may be due to channel-specific reasons, such as an email channel where the SMTP server is unavailable, or if the channel is missing required configuration values.

Example SendNotification Request
  "method": "SendNotification",
  "params": {
    "contact": {
      "full_name": "icingaadmin",
      "addresses": [
          "type": "email",
          "address": ""
    "object": {
      "name": "dummy-816!random fortune",
      "url": "http://localhost/icingaweb2/icingadb/service?name=random%20fortune&",
      "tags": {
        "host": "dummy-816",
        "service": "random fortune"
      "extra_tags": {
        "hostgroup/app-mobile": "",
        "hostgroup/department-dev": "",
        "hostgroup/env-prod": "",
        "hostgroup/location-rome": "",
        "servicegroup/app-storage": "",
        "servicegroup/department-ps": "",
        "servicegroup/env-prod": "",
        "servicegroup/location-rome": ""
    "incident": {
      "id": 1437,
      "url": "http://localhost/icingaweb2/notifications/incident?id=1437",
      "severity": "crit"
    "event": {
      "time": "2024-07-12T10:47:30.445439055Z",
      "type": "state",
      "username": "",
      "message": "Q:\tWhat looks like a cat, flies like a bat, brays like a donkey, and\n\tplays like a monkey?\nA:\tNothing."
  "id": 3
Example SendNotification Response
  "id": 3

Channel Configuration

A channel offers its configuration options through its response to the GetInfo method call. Each configuration option is described by a ConfigOption entry in the config_attrs array. Those information will be queried once by Icinga Notifications upon startup and stored in the database.

Depending on the ConfigOption‘s type, Icinga Notifications Web will render different form element. For example, a text will result in an input box, while options will result in a multi-select list.

When a user configures a Channel in Icinga Notifications Web, the configuration will be stored in the database as JSON. More specifically, a JSON object mapping to the configured value is stored, as expected as the params for the SetConfig method.

Since ConfigOptions may have defaults defined, Icinga Notifications Web will not add unchanged defaults to the configuration JSON object. Therefore, the channel plugin is expected to use their offered default value if the key-value pair is absent.

A SetConfig implementation may follow this logic by first setting its defaults and then overwriting its state based on the configuration received via the params.

Finally, Icinga Notifications will start a new process for this channel and pass the stored JSON object to the channel by calling the SetConfig method. The process is kept alive and receives occasional SendNotification method calls.

Writing Channel Plugins


Icinga Notifications comes with a Webhook channel plugin. Consider using this channel if your transport uses HTTP instead of writing a custom channel.


When developing custom channels, consider naming them with a unique prefix, as additional channels will be added to Icinga Notifications in the future. For example, name your channel x_irc or my_irc instead of irc.

The channels that ship with Icinga Notifications can only cover some use cases. Therefore, we encourage you to develop your own channels that cover your specific needs.

Writing Channel Plugins in Go


As this is still an early preview version, things might change. There may still be severe bugs and incompatible changes may happen without any notice.

Since Icinga Notifications and all of its channels are written in the Go programming language, libraries already used internally can be reused. In particular, the Plugin interface must be implemented, requesting methods for all the RPC methods described above.

To respect the channel configuration logic described above, an implementation of SetConfig should start by calling PopulateDefaults.

The channel plugin’s main function should call the RunPlugin function, taking care about calling the RPC method implementations.

For concrete examples, there are the implemented channels in the Icinga Notifications repository at ./cmd/channels.