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Retrieves a JSON-Object via Request and performs desired checks

Invoke-IcingaCheckHttpJsonResponse returns ‘OK’, ‘WARNING’ or ‘CRITICAL’, depending on the parameters Warning and Critical More Information on


No special permissions required.


Argument Type Required Default Description
ServerUri String false Base URI of the server, example “https://example.comm”
ServerPath String false Path for the request, example “/v1/my_endpoint”
QueryParameter String false Query parameter for the request without ?, example “command=example”
Username String false Credentials to use for basic auth
Password SecureString false Credentials to use for basic auth
Timeout Int32 false 30 Timeout in seconds before the http request is aborted. Defaults to 30
ValuePaths Array false @() paths to look for values in the JSON object that is checked, including an alias for each parameter. Example: “myAlias01:value01”,”myAlias02:nested.object.value02”, “myAlias03:’object’.’my.Par.With.Dots’“
ValueTypes Array false @() Value types of each parameter. Supported Types: Numeric, Boolean, DateTime, String Example: “myAlias01:Numeric”,”myAlias02:DateTime”
Warning Array false @() Warning thresholds using icinga-powershell syntax. Example: “myNumericAlias01:~:2”,”myDateTimeAlias:-10d”, “myBooleanAlias:True”
Critical Array false @() Critical thresholds using icinga-powershell syntax. Example: “myNumericAlias01:~:2”,”myDateTimeAlias:-10d”, “myBooleanAlias:True”
IgnoreSSL SwitchParameter false False Disables SSL verification and allows the connection to endpoints with self-signed certificates as example
StatusOnRequestError String false Unknown Status to set when the webservice cannot be reached or an error (e.g. 500) is returned - default is Unknown
See for description of threshold values
NegateStringResults SwitchParameter false False Negate the conditions set for string parameters. When this is set to true, WarnIfLike/CritIfLike is used instead of WarnIfNotLike/CritIfNotLike for Strings
Verbosity Int32 false 0 Changes the behavior of the plugin output which check states are printed:
0 (default): Only service checks/packages with state not OK will be printed
1: Only services with not OK will be printed including OK checks of affected check packages including Package config
2: Everything will be printed regardless of the check state
3: Identical to Verbose 2, but prints in addition the check package configuration e.g (All must be [OK])
NoPerfData SwitchParameter false False
ThresholdInterval String Change the value your defined threshold checks against from the current value to a collected time threshold of the Icinga for Windows daemon, as described here. An example for this argument would be 1m or 15m which will use the average of 1m or 15m for monitoring.


Example Command 1

Invoke-IcingaCheckHttpJsonResponse -NoPerfData -ServerUri "https://my-server.local:8443" -ServerPath "my/path" -QueryParameter "myPar=1" -Username "superuser" -Pass (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secretPassword" -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbosity 2 -ValuePaths "myNumberOfItems:numberOfItems","oldestTime:oldestItemTimestamp" -ValueTypes "myNumberOfItems:Numeric","oldestTime:DateTime" -Warning "myNumberOfItems:~:2","oldestTime:-2d" -Critical "myNumberOfItems:~:2","oldestTime:-4d"

Example Output 1

[CRITICAL] HTTP JSON Response Monitor [CRITICAL] Check returned value for oldestTime (2022/01/27 06:54:18)
 \_ [OK] All requested parameters are available in JSON response: 2
 \_ [OK] Check returned value for myNumberOfItems: 2
 \_ [CRITICAL] Check returned value for oldestTime: 2022/01/27 06:54:18 is lower than 2022/03/07 10:01:31 (-4d)
 \_ [OK] Parameters evaluated: 0
 \_ [OK] Response received: False    

Example Command 2

Invoke-IcingaCheckHttpJsonResponse -NoPerfData -ServerUri "https://my-server.local:8443" -ServerPath "my/path" -QueryParameter "myPar=1" -Username "superuser" -Pass (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "secretPassword" -AsPlainText -Force) -Verbosity 2 -ValuePaths "myNumberOfItems:numberOfItems","oldestTime:oldestItemTimestamp" -ValueTypes "myNumberOfItems:Numeric","oldestTime:DateTime" -Warning "myNumberOfItems:~:1","oldestTime:-2d" -Critical "myNumberOfItems:~:2","oldestTime:-40d"

Example Output 2

[WARNING] HTTP JSON Response Monitor [WARNING] Check returned value for myNumberOfItems (2), Check returned value for oldestTime (2022/01/27 06:54:18)
 \_ [OK] All requested parameters are available in JSON response: 2
 \_ [WARNING] Check returned value for myNumberOfItems: 2 is greater than threshold 1
 \_ [WARNING] Check returned value for oldestTime: 2022/01/27 06:54:18 is lower than 2022/03/07 10:23:58 (-2d)
 \_ [OK] Parameters evaluated: 0
 \_ [OK] Response received: False