Icinga Plugins¶
Below you will find a documentation for every single available plugin provided by this repository. Most of the plugins allow the usage of default Icinga threshold range handling, which is defined as follows:
Argument | Throws error on | Ok range |
20 | < 0 or > 20 | 0 .. 20 |
20: | < 20 | between 20 .. ∞ |
~:20 | > 20 | between -∞ .. 20 |
30:40 | < 30 or > 40 | between {30 .. 40} |
`@30:40 | ≥ 30 and ≤ 40 | outside -∞ .. 29 and 41 .. ∞ |
Please ensure that you will escape the @
if you are configuring it on the Icinga side. To do so, you will simply have to write an ` before the @
symbol: `@
To test thresholds with different input values, you can use the Framework Cmdlet Get-IcingaHelpThresholds
Each plugin ships with a constant Framework argument -ThresholdInterval
. This can be used to modify the value your thresholds are compared against from the current, fetched value to one collected over time by the Icinga for Windows daemon. In case you Collect Metrics Over Time for specific time intervals, you can for example set the argument to 15m
to get the average value of 15m as base for your monitoring values. Please note that in this example, you will require to have collected the 15m
average for Invoke-IcingaCheckCPU
icinga> icinga { Invoke-IcingaCheckCPU -Warning 20 -Critical 40 -Core _Total -ThresholdInterval 15m }
[WARNING] CPU Load: [WARNING] Core Total (29,14817700%)
\_ [WARNING] Core Total: 29,14817700% is greater than threshold 20% (15m avg.)
| 'core_total_1'=31.545677%;;;0;100 'core_total_15'=29.148177%;20;40;0;100 'core_total_5'=28.827410%;;;0;100 'core_total_20'=30.032942%;;;0;100 'core_total_3'=27.731669%;;;0;100 'core_total'=33.87817%;;;0;100
Plugin Name | Description |
Invoke-IcingaCheckMSSQLBackupStatus | MSSQL plugin which checks for total backupsize, average backupsize, last backup age, last backup log age, last backup execution time, database status of a given database |
Invoke-IcingaCheckMSSQLResource | MSSQL plugin which checks for page life expectancy, buffer cache hit ratio’, average latch wait time (ms) Performance Counters |
Invoke-IcingaCheckMSSQLPerfCounter | Checks specified Performance Counter inside the MSSQL database by fetching counters by a given name and compares them to input thresholds |
Invoke-IcingaCheckMSSQLHealth | Checks if MSSQL services for a specific instance are running and if the connection to a database instance can be established |