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Configuration Branches for Icinga Director

This module provides safe virtual working environments as an advanced, powerful addon feature for the Icinga Director. Once you switch to a custom Configuration Branch, your changes will not be subject for Icinga Configuration Deployments, unless you decide to merge your branch. It’s possible to lock single Users or Teams into dedicated or shared branches.


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There are different scenarios asking for such deferred Deployments. Some simple examples are as follows:

  • Reviewed Changes: Scheduling their own changes for Deployment should be allowed to Users with specific permissions only. Changes committed by others are subject to being reviewed by a User with such permissions.
  • Deferred Import/Sync from unreliable sources. Same as above
  • Safe Work Environment, eventually for my very own changes: From time to time, I want to prepare some bigger changes that should not be rolled out immediately

Deferring deployments and revoking deployment permissions has been possible for a long time. This module allows working in virtual parallel realities over longer periods of time. Deployments for other Changes will not be affected at all.