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Every Business Process requires an Operator. This operator defines its behaviour and specifies how its very own state is going to be calculated.


The AND operator selects the WORST state of its child nodes:

And Operator


The OR operator selects the BEST state of its child nodes:

Or Operator

Or Operator #2


The XOR operator shows OK if only one of n children is OK at the same time. In all other cases the parent node is CRITICAL. Useful for a service on n servers, only one of which may be running. If both were running, race conditions and duplication of data could occur.

Xor Operator

Xor Operator #2


The DEGRADED operator behaves like an AND, but if the resulting state is CRITICAL it transforms it into a WARNING. Refer to the table below for the case-by-case analysis of the statuses.

Degraded Operator


The MIN operator selects the WORST state out of the BEST n child node states: