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RESTApi Eventlog Documentation

Below you will find a list of EventId’s which are exported by this module. The short and detailed message are both written directly into the eventlog. This documentation shall simply provide a summary of available EventId’s

Event Id 2000

Category Short Message Detailed Message
Error Failed to start REST-Api daemon, as no valid provided SSL and Icinga 2 Agent certificate was found While starting the Icinga for Windows REST-Api daemon, no valid certificate was found for usage. You can either share a valid certificate by defining the full path with -CertFile to a .crt, .cert or .pfx file, by using -CertThumbprint to lookup a certificate inside the Microsoft cert store and by default the Icinga 2 Agent certificates. Please note that only Icinga 2 Agent version 2.8.0 or later are supported

Event Id 2100

Category Short Message Detailed Message
Warning Failed to add namespace configuration for executed commands, as previous commands are reporting identical namespace identifiers This warning occures while the REST-Api is trying to auto-load different ressources automatically to provide for example inventory information or any other auto-loaded configurations. Please review your installed modules, check the detailed description which moules and Cmdllets caused this conflict and either resolve it or get in contact with the corresponding developers.

Event Id 2101

Category Short Message Detailed Message
Warning Failed to add namespace configuration for command aliases, as an identical namespace was already added This warning occures while the REST-Api is trying to auto-load different ressources automatically to provide for example command aliases for providing inventory information or any other auto-loaded configurations. Please review your installed modules, check the detailed description which moules and Cmdllets caused this conflict and either resolve it or get in contact with the corresponding developers.